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Dad: *playing dragon age*

Me: *looks at the area he is in* You are going to die.

Dad: Psh. I will bust everyone.

Me: I wish you luck on the boss fight.

Dad: Yeah, thanks.

Me: and on the fade rift.

Dad: Thanks again.

Dad: *goes to fade rift*

Me: Dad you are gonna die, you need to see the books!

Dad: Nah.

In the end he did die but this is what was funny

Dad: *trying to retreat with thw littlw sliver of health he had left*

Me: *cheering him on* You ar3 almost to freedom!

Dark knight: *at the last swcond, he drags my dad to him and kills him eith a blow of his hammer*

Dad: Aww what!? *laughing*

Me: *laughing as well* He-he legit waited until you tasted freedom, then *yank*

He tried again three times and died each try, he is more of a head-first-into-battle kind of dude and i am a stay-behind-and-strategize sort of dude


Sky guardian: *st the first fade rift, it just popped into existance*

Me: Oh hello there X'D *makrs the pop noise and replays that scene, and laughs harder*

Me: Oh hello there X'D *makrs the pop noise and replays that scene, and laughs harder*

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Also pancakes

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