So yesterday!

18 3 5

I was parking cars for the football game.

I only had two bad times over there! :'D

FIrst one was when an elderly was not paying attention to my hand directions, and nearly ran me over. But I'm fine!

Second one was this:

Me: *notices that a teen is in a parking spot that I am directing a car into* Excuse me, can you please get out of the road? I'm trying to direct cars into there.

Girl: *looks at me in disgust* Well, I'm not in the road, so shut up.

Me: *proceeds to direct car into the parking space*

Girl: *starts running* *yells at me* That was your fault! *flips me off*

Either way, that was yesterday.

Now this morning-- *gross sobbing*

Hura the Gentle....

Is now Hura the Unkillable....


((he is alive and vengeful now

Kasey the Smol is terrified))

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