Chapter 2

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My alarm clock started to ring so I turned it off. I got off bed and went to take a shower after I pick out a outfit.

(That's your outfit sorry if you don't like it)

I went in the kitchen and ate pancakes since I still had time. I ate alone since my parents work like all the time. When I finished and got my stuff and started walking. I stopped since I heard someone yell out my name so I looked back it was adrien. "Oh hey adrien isn't your driver going to drive you to school? " I asked "no I decided to walk with you since it's pretty boring just sitting in the car" he said "oh okay" we started to walk again. It was pretty quite until I broke the silence "hey adrien how does it feel like being a hero?" "Oh it's awesome I get to see all Paris and I get to help people" he smiled after saying that. We got to school so we went to our classes. Nino sat next to Alya and Marinette next to Nathaniel (I think that's how you spell it). Then teacher announced that we are gonna have a talent show and the winner gets a prize. "Hey purrinces would you like to be my partner" I blushed " sure kitty " then the teacher started class.

~after class~

I had a photoshoot today since yesterday they canceled it so I ran to the park but when I got their I saw a old guy trying to pay for something so I went up to him and asked him "hey sir do you need any money? " he replied "yes but I wouldn't want to bother you or anything" "it's no bother please let me help" I smiled and payed for it. "Thank you in return I'll give you my blessing". I nodded but then looked at the time " I'm gonna be late if I don't hurry" I ran to the water fountain just in time. Someone asked me "are you (y/n) (l/n) " I noded "yeah I'm here for a photoshoot" he replied "ah yes with adrien agreste" my eyes widened "did you say adrien agreste?" He noded "yeah he's over there" he pointed at him talking to Alya and Marinette also a little girl "can you please tell him that it's time and we need to start now" "oh okay" I walked up to them "hey guys I'm sorry to disturb but the photographer told me to tell adrien that he has to come so we can startthe photoshoot" I said nervously "oh okay I think the girl I'm gonna take pictures with is already here well bye Alya, (y/n) and Marinette" he walked to the photographer. "I have to go bye guys he doesn't know I'm the girl" I followed adrien. The photographer told adrien that he is gonna take pictures with me and he was shocked. We changed into matching clothes and the photographer told us to pose like a couple so we did.

-Marinette pov-

I saw them posing together like if they were dating I got so jealous my face was all red. "Hey girl are you okay? You look like a tomato" Alya asked "no I wanted to be the one to take photos with him. What if he realize how amazing she is and falls in love with her?!" "Chill girl that won't happen" Alya said while looking at me. Manon started pulling my arm and yelling at me saying "Marinette! I want a balloon!". Everyone looked at me and I smiled nervously. " don't worry girl I got you I'll go with her" Alya said "no! I want marinette! " I sighed "okay manon let's go" we went to go get her a balloon after that we came back but then she wanted to go to the carousel so Alya took her so I can see adrien since they needed a extra since (y/n) was busy on the phone with her mom. I ran to them but stopped because I saw a girl she called her self stormy weather so I left to hide and transform.


Hope you guys enjoyed it I'm trying my best ;-;

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