chapter 11

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Listen to it if you want

~Your pov~

It's been days since I hangged out with Adrien. It's all Marinette fault she is always with him and tries to keep us separated. I was tired of not hanging out with him so I texted him and said *Hey Adrien we haven't hung out for days and I'm tired of marinette always separating us.* He replied and said *Yeah I'm sorry about that but we can hang out tomorrow at my house if you aren't busy.* I was so happy and texted back *Of course besides tomorrow is no school.*

-time skip-

~your pov~

The next day I walked to his house and ring the door bell. They let me in but little did I know marinette was here. I frowned and went up to them.  I forced a smile and said "hey guys" They both said hi. Marinette had to go to the bathroom so it was my chance to talk to Adrien. I asked him "why is she here... I only wanted us two like old times..." He hugged me and said "I'm sorry but she just came unexpectedly and I couldn't tell her to leave since she is my girlfriend" I looked at him and was about to say something but then marinette interrupted and said "do you guys want to play video games?" Me and Adrien looked at her and nodded. We went to his room and play video games but I couldn't talk to him because she will always interrup me. I got tired of her so after like 2 hours I said I had to go because I needed to do chores and homework.

-the next day-

~your pov~

There was a new student so I thought I could be friends with him since Adrien is always with marinette. I went up to him and said "hey I'm (y/n)  and welcome to our school" I smiled. He turned around and said "hey I'm Angel" I looked at him he kinda looked like Adrien but his hair was like a type of purple and he had tattoos. I didn't say anything since I was staring at him. He waved at my face and said "hello?" I shaked my head and said "oh sorry it's just you remind me of someone" We hung out for a while. Lila and Chloe liked him they would talk about things like music and clothing. Even though angel and Chloe wouldn't agree which clothing is better. I liked hanging out with him since he kinda reminded me of Adrien. I saw Adrien and waved hi to him but he didn't see me. Angel went up to me and ask "Is he the boy I remind you of?" I replied "yeah" A while later marinette came I thought she was gonna tell me to stay away from Adrien but instead she was flirting with Angel. He looked weirded out which was funny to me so I giggled. He kept staring at me. I felt bad for him so I said "hey marinette, Adrien is looking for" She frowned and whispered "what does he want now" I'm guessing she is using him or something. After she left we went to the park to hang out. But then a akuma came so I lied and said I had to go home. I transformed and went to the akuma place I saw two Chat Noirs I was confused which one do I work with but then I saw that one of the chats was chained up. I went up to the other chat I said "I'm paon your partner" He looked at me and said "hey I'm copy cat" I asked "why haven't you grabbed his miraculous?" "He won't let me" He replied. I looked at chat then went up to him and said "come on kitty can I have it, I'm your number one fan" He backed away. I was about to grab the ring until ladybug came wrapped my arm with her yoyo. I grabbed the string and pulled her in. "Nice to see you again bug" Chat got free because of copycat so they started to fight. I turned my bow into a staff and made her fall. I was fighting with ladybug. Ladybug used lucky charm and grabbed the paper. I trapped ladybug. I was about to grab the paper but chat beat me to it. Then he ripped it. My power went off so I left but before I left I said "until next time kitty" I winked at chat. Ladybug seemed mad which made me smile. I got home and de transformed. "I'm so tired Dusuu" I said and gave her bird seeds. "Me too I wish we were doing this for good and not bad" I sighed then layed on my bed and said "me too... " I fell asleep and Dusuu went to sleep on my hair.

Sorry for posting so late XD but thanks everyone for reading I appreciate it!!!

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