Chapter 6

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Recap- Chloe breaks her arm and has to have 2 operations, Max And Harvey stayed with her the whole time.
I wake up the next morning to a very cheerful and energetic puppy, And Harvey and Hope 😂 Anyway, Max comes up to me and says 'Hey u wanna go the beach today with me and Harvs?' I reply by saying: How am I supposed to walk, I've got a broken arm ya douche, Max picks me up and drops me on my feet 'Just cuz your arms useless doesn't mean you can't walk' He skits. I finally agree and decide to take the puppy as well. We all set off to the beach which wasn't that far from our house. Max comes out from behind an ice cream van with all of our favourite ice creams, how did he even know mine?! 'Chloe I know yours because your sweet just like vanilla' Cringe but at least he got it right ♥️😂
We lay down a towel on the sand just past where the tide comes out to and he starts asking me 'So you were saying to Zoe how you used to be a super fan, tell me one of your dreams 😂' I end up telling him about me going to up close and I turn around and Max kisses me.. we all laugh and I talk about the sleepover I planned in my head with Them that in my head 'wouldn't ever happen' , and I tell them that me and my friend were talking about it all night once. Max then says 'Bet you weren't expecting this to be real life then? Better thank your mother for that 😂 Anyway have I told you how much I love you' I say, yeah Max, you tell me every second of every day, and I Love you too. We both then show our promise rings and cuddle and then start walking the dog round the beach, Harvey couldn't keep up with Hope and she ended up tying Harvey up with her lead and he fell into the sea. We all helped him up and laughed again. It was amazing, again. I then get another text from.. oh no.. my bully... 'Having a good time with your cheating boyfriend and his terrible brother? Thanks for the invite, you don't deserve happiness' a tear falls down my cheek again and this time max had had enough. He said.. and I quote 'tell me this peasants address, we're going round there now' I told them her address and they went round and knocked on her door. She answered and then Max kicked off. 'DON'T YOU EVER FREAKIN DARE TEXT MY GIRLFRIEND AGAIN, SHE'S ALWAYS SO HAPPY BEFORE YOU TEXT HER!! I HATE YOU SO MUCH, DON'T COME NEAR US AGAIN OR GET PUNCHED' I could see the fear in her eyes as Max (her actual one crush) was screaming at her. She decided to back off and was actually crying and I giggled and we all hugged and Both of them carried me home, Max carried me while Harvey made sure my Arm was Okay. I didn't know they would do anything for me... ♥️

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