Chapter 9

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Recap- We recorded a music video, Harvey is dating Ellie and We went the water park.
I wake up really early and make Max And Harvey breakfast. 'What's the special occasion??' Max said. I just reply, oh nothing, just your up close made me make a new friend and I haven't seen her since then.. I was hoping that Me, you, Harvs and Dylan could go see her?? 'Yeah we will ask our mum, Leo and Ava are at their mates house anyway so we have a free day' Harvey said. Yeah that'd be cool, seeing Abbie for the first time since up close. We made a lot of musicallys in the car but didn't say where we were going in case Abbie saw it. We then arrived at her house, Max And Harvey hid behind a tree while I knocked...
She answered the door and I hugged her a lot and then said I have a surprise for you. 'Surpriseeeeeee' Max,Harvey and Dylan all say in sync, Abbie looks so shocked but invites us in. Dylan looked like he was blushing and then he said to us that he liked Abbie. I warned him bout the long distance thing like Harvs and Ellie but he didn't care and went to ask Abbie out. Obviously Abbie said yeah as Dylan is all she talks about to us all the time 😂. Time flew and we headed back in the car to get back home. It was very late so I went back in the top bunk with Max and fell asleep cuddling up to him. I thanked him so much for letting me see Abbie and before we fell asleep we watched a couple more movies on their plasma screen TV in their room. I was quite cold but Max hugged me harder so I became warmer quickly. Never let this change ♥️♥️
'Oh and Chloe? You never told us when your birthday is?' I told them that it was 31st December 2002, the same as theirs and they kinda squealed which was funny 😂

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