Chapter 2

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I was at a loss for words. I didn't know what to say. I probably looked like an idiot. Mouth open, eyes wide, just staring at him.. It was Jc Caylen.. Saying that I look like an angel! That just doesn't happen! I finally found the words to say to him.

"Uhmm, no, I think you're mistaken Jc."

He seemed thrown off that I knew his name. He must not realize I'm here for his meet & greet. I started getting nervous. Was it different that I was a fan?! Oh god.. Keep calm Tabitha.. Keep. Calm.

"I take it you're a fan." He finally said with that cute little smirk of his.

"That's why I'm here to be completely honest with you." I said as I began to feel my cheeks get hotter and hotter. Oh god. I was blushing.

"Well, it's good to know that a lovely lady like yourself is a fan of me, I'm nothing special" he said as he looked away hiding his face.

I then kinda got mad and said "Jc stop it. You're fucking amazing! You've saved my life before. Your videos are the reason I live! No one seems to get that.." I said louder than intended. He looked shocked.

"I'm sorry" I muttered.

"Don't be. Because you're absolutely right. I shouldn't hate on myself. It's exactly what I tell you guys not to do." He said to me sincerely.

"Exactly, now, you have 15 minutes till they start letting those girls in" I said as I pointed toward the mob of girls, "So I'll leave you be and let you get settled." I said as I started to get up grabbing my pennyboard. He grabbed my wrist, and said "You're not going anywhere." And then pulled me to the table and told me to sit with him.

I did as he said, I mean, what girl wouldn't?! It is SO hard not to fan girl right now. It is so weird, all these girls are staring at me like I'm the devil or something. They are all just glaring. Looking from me to Jc and then back to me.

He keeps looking at me too and smiling and then rubbing my knee.

These girls look like they're going to rip my head off!

I'll just have to wait this one out I guess..

*an hour later*

Oh. My. Fucking. God. How can he do that? That honestly gave me a headache. Those girls, would NOT stop squealing.

"How was your first meet & greet?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Annoying as hell. I wanted to rip half their heads off! How the hell do you do that?!" I said to him slightly sarcastically.

Giggling he says, "It's my fan base, I have to, if it wasn't for them, and you, I wouldn't be here. I honestly love all of them. They help me on more levels than they know. The squealing and the screaming isn't really that bad."

I looked at him, just amazed. I then said, "Well, uhm.. I'm sorry if I offended you then.." I said while looking down.

A very sad but yet confused look came across his face, then he said, "Sorry I'm such an asshole." He paused.

I was extremely confused.

Then he continued saying, "I never even asked your name.. So, may I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"

I smiled and said, "Of course Mr. Caylen, it's Tabitha. My name is Tabitha."

We then exchanged numbers and we then parted ways. It honestly felt like I was in a dream. I hope he doesn't like, blow me off and never talk to me again, I'd be heartbroken.

I put my phone away and hopped on my board getting home as fast as possible.

I got home and saw that he had texted me saying *hey gorgeous* I laughed and replied *hey goofball*

I then checked the rest of my notifications. I never thought I would have so many!

Turns out Jc mentioned me in a tweet. And then all the girls then decided to follow me and @ me. Some tweets were nice, while others were just plain mean.

*@JcsCloudBiotch: who else thinks @TabithaSkyee needs to die??*

*@CaylenBeMine: @TabithaSkyee you're a slut*

Like seriously?? Jeeze. Anyways, on a brighter note, Jc replied back to me. I got butterflies. It said, *I'm really happy I met you, you're an amazing girl*

I didn't know what to reply with so I just said *awe thanks*. Like, how stupid can I be?! I set my phone down just for it to notify me he replied again, *me, you, and our pennyboards, tonight. Deal?*

Uhm, should I say yes? I only just met him in person!! Agh, fuck it. *deal :D where should we meet?*

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