Chapter 3

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I sent the text as hurriedly as I could. Maybe he would change his mind and then I can save myself some embarrassment, I thought to myself.  Shit, nope.. He replied..

It said *Thank god you said yes, I was really worried that you wouldn’t. We can meet at the Taco Bell if you want, maybe grab a bite to eat?*

Taco Bell was my weakness. Ugh! I was just about to reply as I got another text message.

*and then maybe we can get some starbucks afterwards :)*

Another weakness. Ugh! I quickly replied *Well, that works for me, as long as you’re the one paying :P*

I then realized he never said a time. Its 4pm now.. I hope its not soon.. I wanna look cute!!

He texted back, *Of course I will! My treat to you for being my favorite fan!*

Oh no, I thought to myself, I wasn't expecting him to be serious! I thought the face after it would have gave it away! Ugh! Now I feel bad. I’ll just go with it..

I texted him back, *Ugh, stop. Don’t be so nice. I’m sure there are bigger fans out there, anyways, what time were you thinking that we’ll meet up?*

As I waited for his reply, I started going through my closet looking for something other than this to wear. I didn’t want to look like a complete loser. I changed into my Nirvana shirt and my stone washed capri/shorts that I got a while back.  I kept my black toms on, I didn’t want to change those.  I applied a little bit more eyeliner and a bit of mascara and a light lip gloss.

He replied, *Whenever you want to. I am free all night. So, you choose the time :D*

I quickly texted him back, *As soon as you want, I’m ready and not doing anything, so want to now?*

As soon as I sent the text, I got a notification that he updated his twitter.

*I get to go on a date tonight with the amazing @TabithaSkyee :)*

I was kinda worried, he didn’t reply back right away.  While I waited for him to text back I opened up my laptop to check twitter. More hate comments appeared, and I didn’t see any nice ones this time either.

*@JcsLeftEye: Who agrees that @TabithaSkyee is crazy if she thinks she can just steal our Jc like that?*

*@CloudyLifer: I seriously think that @TabithaSkyee needs to die.*

*@MaiaWest: @TabithaSkyee you’re ugly inside and out. Stay away from Jc. K. Thanks.*

*@LunaLeah: @TabithaSkyee die already, you’re horrible for Jc and a poor excuse for a human being, he is mine.*

And they just kept getting worse.

Instead of replying to the hate comments, I replied to Jc,

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