Chapter 4

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Liza: Jackson, Jackson from my school?

LD: Yes Liza, do you have a problem with this Liza?

Liza: *thinks* Fuck yes I have a problem with this shit

Liza: N-No I guess not....

LD: He will be coming tonight to watch the branding

Liza: What???? why is he gonna be there??? He JUST joined!!

LD: I know that Liza, but he is apart of the gang now and he will be going to things the gang does.

Liza: Whatever *hangs up*

Liza: *starts her car and speeds out of the parking lot*

Kristen: *sees Liza speed away* Um, I think she might know now....

Scotty: FUCK

Kristen: Why is it such a big problem that she knows who's in her gang?

Scotty: Because that makes my job harder

Kristen: How?

Kristen: Babe, What aren't you telling me?

Scotty: Kristen, there's a lot you don't know....

Scotty: Things that I've never told anyone before.. and.. I just don't know if I can talk about them...

Kristen: Scott, you can always talk to me, You know that

Scotty: I know

Scotty: Kristen?

Kristen: Yes?

Scotty: I.. *phone starts to ring* fuck what do they want now?

Scotty: Hello?

Sam: Hey Scott

Scotty: Sam this isn't a good time....

Sam: Well, We need to leave now

Scotty: What??

Scotty: I thought we weren't leaving until later?

Sam: Well they are starting sooner than we thought

Scotty: Fuck... Fine I'll come get you in a few minutes

Sam: Okay *hangs up*

Scotty: Kristen do you mind if we finish this conversation later? I have t- something to do...

Kristen: Uh, sure. Can you take me home?

Scotty: Yea 

Scotty: *drives to Kristen's house*

Scotty: Babe?

Kristen: Yea?

Scotty: *kisses her* No matter what happens I promise to keep you safe

Kristen: Okay

Kristen: *gets out of the car and goes inside*

Scotty: *calls Sam* 

Sam: Hey

Scotty: I'm on the way be outside and ready now Sam

Sam: Okay *hangs up*

Scotty: *drives to his house* 

Sam: *walks over to Scotty's car*

Scotty: Ready?

Sam: Set go....

Scotty: Alrighty

Scotty: *drives to Liza's gangs hideout* 

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