Chapter 9

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?? A/N not gonna continue the plot with Alex. I don't like the way it turned out. Maybe I'll do that kind of plot in another story? Going to continue from were I left off with kristen pulling into the hospital parking lot. 


Kristen: *pulls into the parking lot and goes back into the hospital*

Scotty: *Sitting in the same place she left him*

Kristen: *starts to walk over to him and gets stopped by a doctor*

Doctor: Excuse me Ms. Are you *looks at clipboard and then back up at Kristen* Liza Koshy?

Kristen: Um-N-*stops and decides to see what he was going to say if she were Liza*

Kristen: Yep, That's me. Liza Koshy.

Doctor: Uh Okay, We have news about your uh *looks down at clipboard again* boyfriend David Dobrik. Is that correct?

Kristen: *thinks* Wow I didn't know that they were actually together* Yes that is correct.

Doctor: Okay good. As I was saying, We have news on his surgery. Now I know that you know that we did lose him for a few minutes, but we were able to revive him and finish the surgery, He is now under anesthesia. 

Kristen: Oh my god. Thank you so so much! You have no idea how great that is to hear.

Doctor: I am deeply sorry for any stress we may have caused you when you were told that he did not make it. 

Kristen: Thank you for telling me. 

Doctor: Okay, well that's all I have to say for now.. Why don't you have a seat somewhere, he will be able to have visitors soon. 

Kristen: Okay. *walks over to Scotty and sits next to him* 

Kristen: You'll never believe what just happened as I walked in.

Scotty: Try me

Kristen: So I walked in from the parking lot and a doctor walked up to me and thought I was Liza and-

Scotty: Wait. He thought you were Liza?

Kristen: Yes, are you saying that I'm not as pretty as her?

Scotty: What? I never said that. You are even more beautiful as Liza.

Kristen: Mhm, as I was saying, he thought I was Liza so he told me about David and what had been going on. Did you know that he died during surgery like Sam did?

Scotty: Really? Did they revive him?

Kristen: Yes. They said he can have visitors soon. 

Liza: I'll do whatever it takes to have you back.

Kristen: I gotta go tell her. I just don't know how...

Scotty: Just be straight up with her. 

Kristen: Okay, call me if anything happens okay?

Scotty: Alright.

Kristen: *gets into her car and gets a text*

Anonymous: Don't tell her about him if you know what's good for you. 

Kristen: *tb* who is this?

At(anonymous texter): Someone who knows the truth about you. 

Kristen: *tb* what?

AT: You'll find out soon enough.... don't do it Kristen.

Kristen: *terrified* *tb* um okay....

Kristen: *gets out and walks back into the hospital looking around at everyone*

AT: Stop looking for me, You won't find me.

Kristen: *drops her phone*

Kristen: FUCK

Scotty: *Sees Kristen drop her phone and yell*

Scotty: *walks over to her* 

Scotty: Are you okay?

Kristen: N-Yes

Kristen: My phone just fell out of my hand....

Scotty: *picks her phone up and hands it to her

Scotty: Let's go sit down...

Kristen: *grabs his hand and walks back to where he was sitting*

Scotty: *sits next to her* Why didn't you go to Liza's?

Kristen:Because.... I mean they probably called her and told her the news...

Scotty: Yea.... *notices something different about her*

Liza: *walks back upstairs and grabs a suitcase and starts packing*

Liza: I can't be in the same town that I lost the love of my life in. 

Liza: *packs everything she needs*

Liza: *walks downstairs and puts her suitcases at the bottom of the stairs*

Liza: *runs back upstairs and grabs the box of pictures from her closet and goes back downstairs*

Liza: *walks out to her car and puts her stuff in the backseat and the box of pictures in the passenger seat*

Liza: *writes a note and puts it on the front door*

Liza: *gets in the car and starts driving out of town*

Liza: *wearing one of David's hoodies*

Kristen: I think I'm gonna head home and get some sleep...

Scotty: Okay, I'll call you if I need you.

Kristen: Okay. 

Kristen:*walks out to her car and drives to Liza's house*

Kristen:*pulls into the driveway and gets a text*

AT: Leave. NOW

Kristen: *ignores the text and walks up to her door*

Kristen: *reads the note on her door* 

NOTE: I'm leaving this place. I don't know when I'll be back.... but it won't be soon.... Bye -Liza Koshy.

Kristen: Fuck *walks back to her car and reads all of the messages from AT*

AT: I told you to leave 


AT: You're lucky she is gone. 

AT: But you didn't listen to me and for that you will pay....

Kristen: *tb* stop, please, why are you doing this. 

AT: Because you deserve to be exposed

Kristen: Exposed for what?

AT: You'll see.

Kristen: *throws her phone in the passenger seat and drives to her house*

Scotty: *to himself* There is something going on. And I will find out what it is. Even if she doesn't want me to. 


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