Chapter 13

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 I wanna drink until I don't feel the urge, to run back to you, and let you make me yours. 

So how long will it be until you see how bad I need this?

 *picks up the bottle of whiskey she got from the mini bar and drinks away her pain*

 I can still feel your breath all over me...

*she says as she takes another drink of the whiskey*

I could fuck with you for eternity, I could be the one for you...


I just need to make it 2 more hours and then Scott will be home... 

*walks downstairs to make breakfast for everyone* 

I just need to take my mind off of the calls. 
*she says as she starts to make pancakes*


*Signing Sam's release forms*

Sam? When's your birthday? and have you noticed any signs of irregular menstrual cycles?


March 5th. And actually yes, I missed my period last month after I fucked Colby in the boys locker room.


Uh, I was just messing with you, but okay I'll write it down. 


Scotty!! I was just fucking joking don't you dare write that down. 


*Erases rapidly* I knew that. I would never ever  write that.....

*Sam* You dickwad. 


Dickwad's my father. Call me Dickwad Jr. 


No problem. 


Papers all signed? You two should be able to leave in the next fifteen minutes or so. 


Yep. Here you go. 

*hands him the papers*


Um, Why is the menstrual box checked? Along with an erased description? 


Scott! You asshole!!!

Please ignore that sir. 


No problem. Let me just take this up to the front desk and you should be able to leave soon after. 

*David's Doctor*

Okay Mr.Dobrik all your paperwork seems to be complete. You can leave now. 


Fucking Finally

*Gets up and walks out of the hospital*

Shit. I have no apartment anymore..... 

I really don't want to go back to the place where I was shot...

I guess I have to... 

*walks to the hideout expecting to see Liza somewhere*

Liza? Anyone? I'm back from the hospital!

*Walks over to Liza's room and sees a note on her bed*
*walks over and picks it up*


"Dear anyone reading this (not that anyone would care enough to read this)

I had to get out of here. I can't do this anymore. Don't come after me because I don't even know where I'm going. Because, you don't know my story, All you've done is read my book. I'm finally pulling out my parachute and jumping from the plane that is this town. First, I'm going to tell the truth about all of the secrets and rumors in this town. And then I'm going to burn all my bridges to this town and the people in it. I often wondered when I would stop wondering what could go wrong, and then everything ended up going wrong and I finally stopped wondering.I don't want to be one of those lost souls going in and out of love, because when I found love, it left me. So I finally left it. 

David, if you're somehow alive and you are reading this I just want you to know that I am truly sorry for everything. I knew there was something about you when I first met you. I know what that is now, I have loved you ever since the first time that I looked into your eyes. I knew. I still know. But now, you're gone. I've lost plenty of things in my life, but when I lost you, I couldn't deal with the pain. I couldn't stay in the town that I lost the love of my life in. You mean everything to me. I never thought that I would have to do without you. I still don't know. All I know is that.... I love you David Dobrik.

The town will have all it's secrets revealed in three days. Be ready." -LK


I haven't updated in so long. 

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