Chapter 1

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Do you ever regret certain decisions in your life with a burning hatred? Yeah, that's what Anxiety was feeling right now. Roman, the regal fuck, was sitting on the sofa in the common room, holding back giggles as he, Morality, and Logic looked at the foul faced personality in a bright pink cat onesie.

How exactly did he get in this situation? What a wonderful question!

It all began when Patton and Logan started dating.

It was strange at first, when the two got together. They just seemed incompatible to Anxeity, he didn't get how two people so utterly different could be in love. But then again, what would he know about love.

Eventually Anxiety got used to Patton kissing Logan on the cheek and cuddling him during the group movie marathons they had every two weeks. But then happened that fateful day when Roman approached him saying, "Who do you think is gonna kiss the other first? Patton or Logan?" Anx raised an eyebrow unsure of why Prince would ask him of all people. "Don't know, Don't care, Sir sing-a-lot," he replied, though he did care, slightly, only slightly though. "I bet you won't answer because you don't know," Prince said with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes in annoyance and mumbled " I dunno, maybe Logan, who knows?" Princey looked at him with his hands on his hips. "However could you think that? It'll obviously be Morality!" Prince said with a burst, "Logan is much too....logical I suppose."

"Yeah that's kinda his thing idiot" Anxiety stated, hoping the loud personality would just leave him alone already. However, much to his displeasure the bombastic man spoke once more "How about if Morality kisses Logan first then you have to wear something of my choosing for an entire day." Anxiety raised an eyebrow, slightly intrigued by the prospect of a deal. "And if Logic kisses Patton first I get to do your makeup for a week."

Roman groaned, "A whole week? No, only for a day." Anx narrowed his eyes, "Three days, I have some things I want to try but I'm too, surprise surprise, anxious to try them on myself." Romans face softened up a little and he extended a hand so they could do a cliche deal handshake much like Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls. They shook hands and Princey started to walk away with a grin.

Strangely, Anxiety felt a little sad that Princey was leaving so soon. Ugh what the hell is up with my stupid conflicting feelings lately, he thought. Nervously he said, "hey uh, Princey, you wanna tell me the morals in Hunchback of Notre Dame while I shoot them down and point out naked ladies in the fire?"

Princey turned to him, his grin oddly wide, "Why Anxiety, I never thought you'd ask!" He chimed "I do believe have the disc in my room so let's go! Also, no backing out of the deal!" Anxiety nervously chucked and nodded, following the attracti- STUPID personality.

Anxiety entered Prince's bedroom and held back a gasp, he knew the guys room changed depending on what he felt like much like his room but he never thought it could change so much. In Anx's room all that really happened was sometimes the curtains changed or the room got a little bit darker, but Romans room was on a whole other level.

He had been in here once before and it was an castle with rolling hills and a forest, but now it was a field that seemed to span on forever and ever with all the necessary amenities for a room placed in a circle, with his bed in the center. The sky though, was probably the most stunning feature. The stars glittered in the dark endless abyss above him like paint splatters, and he really had to say, Roman certainly didn't put his title as creativity to shame.

Anxiety stood there admiring the room, though he'd never admit he was, as Princy searched through what seemed to be a drawer with every Disney movie ever. He pulled out the case of a DVD with a grin, took the DVD out, and placed it in the player. The movie started and Roman sat crisscross on the floor, leaning against the backboard of his bed. He pat the grass next to him, gesturing for Anxiety to sit.

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