Chapter 2

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( Takes place after Thomas's newest video)

Roman woke up with a yawn, and stretched his limbs out with a satisfying pop. A glance at his clock informed him that it was around 7am. He rose out of bed, still slightly sleepy, and picked out his new fabulous outfit. Throwing on his new outfit with a smile, he smelt a delicious sent wafting through the crack at the bottom of his door.

Princey stepped outside and followed this scrumptious sent with a grin, Patton must've been cooking today. To his surprise when he stepped into the kitchen he was greeted with Anxiety, who had headphones plopped on his head blaring loud music. He was making a pancake on the pan and moving his head to the beat of the song with a tiny, minuscule smile on his face.

"O-oh hello Anxiety!" He said, slightly caught off guard. Anxiety cast him a glance, pointing to the pancakes and then to Roman, as if asking if he wanted some. Roman grinned  stating "Why yes, Hot topic I would like some pancakes, thank you."

Anxiety nodded and pointed to the small stack of pancakes next to him. Grabbing two of the pancakes from the small stack, Princey smiled and asked "Anxiety? Being nice? The world is ending." The dark clad personality almost chuckled (though he'd never admit it) and said, "Don't get used to it, I just made too much." Roman grinned, digging it to the delicious syrupy cakes. "Sure you did sunshine." he teased with a laugh.

Anxiety finished up making the final pancake and then sat down, slowly eating. "Speaking of which, you know how to make pancakes?" Roman asked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, I'm just awake at odd hours and I don't want to bother Patton for breakfast so I just learned how. It's the path of least awkward encounters."  He said with a shrug.

There was little else conversation as the two finished up there pancakes and went separate ways. Roman went back into his room, brainstorming new ideas and occasionally breaking into song.

An hour or so later, while he was walking the halls of the mindscape he heard soft singing. He followed the noise and identified the song as he got closer, it was a song by TØP called The Judge if he remembered correctly. Then it clicked in his brain, the only one who listened to that type of music was Virgil. He rushed quietly to the music and grinned when he saw the purple and black figure through the crack of a slightly ajar door.

Roman had to stop himself from squealing like a teenage girl as Virgil sung the words to the song softly, "When the leader of the bad guy sang, something soft and soaked in pain, I heard the echo from his secret hideaway." How ironic. Not that Virgil was a bad guy or anything, Roman had gotten over that and tried his best to not think of Virgil that way, but it was still a little ironic. "He must've forgot to shut his door, as he cranked out those dismal chords."

He stepped forwards a little more, hoping to hear Virgil's singing better. While they all did have almost the same singing voice (other then Logan's out of tune-ness) he had never heard the dark personality sing. Save for that one time in that one video, but we don't talk about that, poor fourth wallsy needs to be respected.

The door was pushed open slightly by the movement and made a creaking noise. Virgil choked on the words for a second before seeing Roman and letting out an embarrassed squeak. They stayed like that for what seemed to be forever until Virgil sprung up, shoved Prince out of the room, and shut the door.

Roman stood outside the door, fumbling for what to do. Deciding to knock on the door, He hesitantly tapped on the door with his handl. "Virgil?" He questioned softly, hoping the other personality could hear him.

"You're still here?" Virgil replied, his voice shaky and quiet. "Yeah, yeah I am." Roman said with a nod. "Oh." Virgil paused and frowned "I figured you would've left by now." Princy raised an eyebrow and sat against the door facing the hallway walls, "And why would I leave?" He heard Anxiety sigh through the door, "I know it's stupid but I thought you'd go make fun of me for singing to Logan and Patton."

Roman couldn't help but crack a smile, "Sunshine, do you understand how utterly hypocritical that would be?" He teased playfully before putting a more serious tone to his voice, "Plus, I wouldn't do that, what kind of person would make fun of someone that has such a beautiful voice?"

"My voice isn't pretty, it's weak and quiet." Virgil mumbled. "Quite the contrary Virgil, I don't think you realize how much that adds to it. It's so soft like a birds feather, or the fur of a kitten and it's a smooth kind of soft like silk or like the slow rolling waves of the ocean. If I tried to sing like that I don't know if I could." Roman mused with a smile. Virgil grinned a bit and made a small 'huh' noise. "I guess I never thought about it that way..." He glanced to his side, the grin fading, "I'm sure you're just saying that though.."

"As his four walls declared him insane" Roman sung, hoping his idea would work. "What? What are you doing" Virgil confusedly questioned. "I'm singing Virgil, would you like to join me? I don't know the song that well, so a second voice would be much appreciated." It was silent for what seemed like forever, till Roman felt the door open behind him. "I guess." Virgil said, looking down with a light pink dusting his cheeks.

So they sung, they sung for hours, laughing and dancing every once in a while. Everything was perfect in that room and Virgil decided maybe his singing wasn't such a bad thing.

(Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is much shorter then the last one, this weekend has been a bit of a busy one for me, anyways I hope you enjoyed reading this because I enjoyed writing it. Hope your enjoying this fluff because this book with have a plot, and knowing me, it probably won't be too happy. Have a nice day!)

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