Chapter 46

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4:01 pm

You: oh look it's 4 o' clock

You: well shit

You: im a minute late goddammit

You: i was gonna sing tae and rm's song ;;

You: 4 o clock

You: tae's voice was really good there omg

You: aaaaahhhh his voiceee ><

Mr. Bunny: is this what you call loyal?


Mr. Bunny: you're fangirling to taehyung

You: ): am i not allowed to fangirl?

Mr. Bunny: no, it's fine with me

Mr. Bunny: only fangirl to jungkook though

You: oh, you're so demanding

You: but tae's vocals first

Mr. Bunny: stop being unloyal

Mr. Bunny: i thought you loved me )':

You: nooo i love youu



You: know ur limits guk

Mr. Bunny: ohhh

Mr. Bunny: don't worry, i know my limit

Mr. Bunny: ;)

You: that winky face scares me all the time

Mr. Bunny: oh sorry

Mr. Bunny: o.<

You: ohmygod why are you so cute

Mr. Bunny: because im guk :>

Mr. Bunny: i mean,

Mr. Bunny: because im your jagi ♥

You: stop being cute omg

You: im crying now ;-; you're so fluffy

Mr. Bunny: how would you know that im fluffy?

Mr. Bunny: have you seen me?

You: no, sadly

You: what do you look like?

Mr. Bunny: i look handsome and hot

Mr. Bunny: and cute >.o

You: sure

You: i swear to god

You: if you're a 69 year old man wearing a bunny costume and a pink tiara when i see you

You: i'll run for my life

You: im not even kidding

Mr. Bunny: don't worry jagi

Mr. Bunny: but when you see me,

Mr. Bunny: i'm sure you'll run towards me

You: wow

You: u sure about that

Mr. Bunny: 100% sure

You: okay but if i don't do that

You: you owe me a bts merch :P

Mr. Bunny: sure

Mr. Bunny: anything u want

You: yay

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