Chapter 1- Translocation

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It was the 23th June and school ended. This was the warmest summer ever. My mom and dad founded a new work in a little plance in northern Norway. I didn't like Norway so much but the plance in pictures was really nice. That day, we had to pack our things because in two days a woman come and translocate her in this house. I stand up in the early morning because I heard my parents screaming. I go downstairs and ask "What's the problem here? Do you have to scream?" My dad came to me and hugged me tightly and said "Sorry honey, but we are stressed right now. The woman that want to buy this house will come this afternoon and we have to pack our things really fast." "Wow nice the woman is coming to early." I run up to my room and startet to but my clothes in a box. The box was now full but I had still clothes in the closet. Searching for other boxes I heard my mom speaking on the telephone. She said something like "Okay, thank you for saying that" or for example "I will say it to her" Then I run with two boxes upstairs to my room and start packing again. Now the clothes were finished. But I had to put the books and other stuff in the box. After some time I was finish with everything in my room, so I go downstairs to see for my mom and dad. Maybe they needed some help, but I didn't find them. Probably they were buying something in the supermarket. The supermarket is only some minutes away from our house. I waited on the couch for them because we didn't had anything, only one old couch. I waited and waited but they didn't come. Then someone scared me from behind. I turn around and saw my dad. "Daddy do you have to scare me? Where were you and mom?" I asked waiting for an answer. "We was at the supermarket. We buy some drinks and something to eat." My dad answer and go to the kitchen. Then my mom came to me and ask "Do you have pack your things? We will start in ten minutes." "Wait ten minutes?!?!" I looked shocked and add "But I wanted to say goodbye to my friends" "Honey run then. But be here in ten minutes" My mom said and I run so fast I could to my friend's house. After ten minutes I came back and now I had to carry one box to the car. When we sat in the car I remembered something that I have forgot. "Dad wait!" I scream and run out of the car. I run up to my old room and search for my diary. It fell out when I carried the box down to the car but where is it? Then I found it under the stairs. Finally we sat in the car and the journey could begin.

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