Chapter 4 - The secret

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I decided to sleep in Martinus room but with a mattress on the floor. Martinus was right know very happy and I asked him why but he didn't answer. It was ok. Now it was time to sleep but I couldn't close my eyes. I didn't know why but I think I was scared. Scared of what? Martinus saw me awake so he asked "Mia? Is everything fine?" And I answered "It's ok but I can't sleep" He replied "Me either" Then he asked me if I would come to him in the bed. I nodded and then we talked a bit. It was fine to sleep near him and then I fall asleep in his arms. The next day it was sunny but cold. I woke up because I heard something and saw that Martinus isn't near me. I thought that maybe he is going eat breakfast. I go downstairs and saw the family sitting all together on the table. Everyone said to me good morning and I relied also with good morning. Then Gerd-Anne asked me "Mia do you want to go with us to the amusement park? It's only one hour from here." I answered "Yes sure I would love too" Then put my clothes on and get ready for the amusement park. Then we sat all together in the car. After one hour we arrived. "It is a really nice day to come here" Kjell- Erik said and everyone nodded. Then we walked around and suddenly some girls came to Marcus & Martinus and asked them "Can we take pictures with you?" Marcus and Martinus both nodded. They took then pictures together and go again. "Marcus? Martinus? Why the girls wanted to take pictures with you?" I asked them and they only answer with "We will tell you later" I couldn't really enjoy the amusement park because of that what Marcus & Martinus said. After a time we go home again. So then I took Martinus upstairs and locked the door. "So Martinus now tell me the secret" I said to him. "Mia please don't hate us for this" He said really scared and you answered "Why should I hate you? Then tell now" He began to talk "Mia me and my brother are famous.."  I stopped him by saying "Famous?" He continued "Can I go one?" He add "Mia please listen we are popstars. We sing songs" I said "Yes yes I know what popstars are. But what for songs?" Then he let me hear some music of them. OMG it was fantastic. "Wow Martinus it is really cool. But don't be sad I like you for what you are and not for your songs" He was happy and hugged me. Now I know everything or maybe something?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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