Not Impressed

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It hurt. He couldn't have told anyone much more about it, other than that it really, really hurt. Everything was an overwhelming tumble of pain, and blood, and betrayal, and all the hope he'd been holding on to so tightly was ripped from his broken fists before he could blink.

Then it hurt even more in a burst of light and heat that lasted less than a second but felt like an hour. The worst part, he decided, as he gave in to the inevitability of it all, was that he could hear the roaring of an engine that just a few minutes ago would have been his salvation. He took a fraction of a breath in the time he had left and decided that it didn't matter. The moment he accepted his fate it was over.



He blinked.


Another blink.

Swirly green clouds.


He wasn't impressed, he remembered little besides the pain, but for some reason he held onto a strange sense of belief that there was supposed to be something else here.

He waited.

He blinked again, and again and a few more times, every time expecting his eyes to feed him new information when they opened.

Some more waiting. He lifted a gloved hand to scratch his head. Something stopped him, a cloth barrier, bells.

Huh, well alright then.

Wait bells?

He pulled the offending thing off of his head. It was black, white and tipped with bells on all four points. A jesters hat. Jesters, fools. Thinking hurt. It seemed significant but he wasn't sure why.

He tried to bring up what his fragmented mind had stored of a jester. The colourful image didn't fit with the black and white he found himself wearing. The picture distorted into that of a clown. Laughter filled his ears. Dark, evil.

He tossed the hat far from him as his arm could manage; it tumbled across the small floating island he sat on. He watched it tip over the edge and fall until he couldn't hear the bells anymore.

For a measure of time he didn't count, he gazed at the swirly greeniness making up the cloudy world all around him.

Somewhere there was someone he was certain would scold him for the lack of attention he was paying his surroundings. It didn't matter now. He just lay down arms crossed behind his head watched. There was a tinkling sound and he frowned.

The hat was back.

He laughed; but he still wasn't impressed.

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