Where's The Soup

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>The boy was dressed like the joker usually looked on a pack of cards. The dusty hat had four points, two black and two white, each with a siver bell making them droop. The hair that was visible falling across his fore-head was snowy white. His eyes an eerie red that contrasted sharply with his otherwise colourless appearance. His long sleeved tunic was checkered in black and white, a stylized J displayed proudly on his left breast. Black trousers and white pixie boots completed the outfit.
They stood for a while, each too shocked to do anything but stare at each other after the joker ghosts comment.
The ghost didn't seem bothered by the tension that built between them. He gazed at Dannny cooly with eyes that were too much like Vlads to be anything but creepy.
The halfa did his best to keep eye contact even if the ghost didn't loo hostile he could have been seconds from lashing out. He'd seen such behaviour from ghost much more innocent looking than the one that stood in front of him. Still the tension built. Danny shifted his weight from one foot to another.
"So...", he said awkwardly.
"Well", the ghost responded.
"Well what?", Danny tried to sound firm, standing straight and pushing out his chest.
The ghost sharply raised one eyebrow and shook the Fenton thermos, never once taking his eyes of the confused halfa. Danny slowly pooled energy into his palms ready for an attack.
"Where's the soup?".
The energy he'd gathered in his hands sputtered out and the only response his disorientated mind could come up with was a half choking sound that should never have come from the mouth of any half respectable super hero. He was mortified to be seen in such a state by a ghost that didn't seem much smarter than the Box Ghost. The stupid Box Ghost that had managed to stick him in the thermos in the first place.
The ghosts face scrunched up briefly before his gaze shifted to some point behind the flustered halfa. He pursed his lips and studied the thermos.
" How did you fit inside this thing? ", he muttered, peeking inside it and rolling it around in his hand. The ghost shot a brief glance at Dannny before sniffing the liď.
"And where's the soup?".
"Uhh...", Danny rubbed the back of his neck. Had he stumbled into a clown ghost with a soup obsession, weird." There isn't any".
"Then why do I smell it", the ghost stepped closer. Really stepped, as in with his pixie toed feet, not floating an inch of the ground towards the halfa.
Danny was so taken by this that at first he didn't really register the ghosts question. That was, ofcourse until it's red eyes were right in front of his and glowing a fraction more brightly.
The ghost thrust the thermos under Dannys nose. "Smell", was the half growled command.
The halfa knocked the thermos away leaped back to put some distance between them.
" There isn't any soup here Joker, why don...", he'd meant to tell the ghost to look somewhere else for soup, but before he could finish the ghost flew into action. Well not really flew as he stayed on the ground as he tackled Danny to the damp ground, pinning the halfas hands above his head and drawing back a fist.
The hero twisted, using all his strength to unbalance the ghost so. Throwing the clown to the side he scrambled back. He barely had time to get to his feet before the ghost was on him again.
This he could deal with. Violent ghosts were much easier to handle than confused ones looking for soup. Said ghost swung a kick at Dannys chest not. He dodged but the ghost didn't even pause, using his momentum to spin around adding force to a punch that hit Dannny square on the jaw. The punch hurt, but it was the follow up elbow to the gut that kept him from getting up right away.
He managed to grab the foot that came down at his chest and tugged it towards him, tripping the ghost. He lifted himself the air to regain the breath that had been knocked out of him.
"You're gonna pay for that! ", he yelled firing off his green ecto blasts in the ghosts direction.
The fury that filled him didn't come from any logical source. Part of him was bothered by his irrational anger. But that was the same part that drew his attention to vague memories, voices whispering on the barest level of his consciousness.
'Too violent'
'No good'
'Tea.. you a ..esso.. follow .. ootsteps"
He didn't like that part of him, so he decided to ignore it and and destroy the stupid kid who had the nerve to in any way link him to that that that...
It didn't matter why joker was such a displeasing thing to be called. What mattered was tha the boy had dared do it.
'How dare he'
He dodged a glowing green ball.
'How dare he'
He dodged another.
And another, and another, and another.
"How dare you! ", he yelled at the boy who was smirking and floating, freaking FLOATING above him. The hat jingled when he charged for one of the trees, making his way quickly to one of the higher branches and launching himself at his opponent.
His attack never landed.
It was as he lay crumpled on the ground that he heard the laughter. Too deep to be coming from the green eyed boy. He blew his hair out of his eyes to glare at the new arrival and nearly choked on the dirt his resulting gasp drew down his throat.
A glowing, metal covered, flame headed, floating... thing.
Seriously was everything in this place glowy, floaty, and green? He knew just by looking at it that it wasn't human, no way was it human. And it was pointing a big gun like thing at the green eyed boy he'd been fighting.
All of these things put together left a not too pleasant taste in his mouth, the thing seemed familiar. Not like he'd seen it before, but more like he'd seen someone, or something really similar.
The worst part was that it was undeniably, irredeemably ugly. He pushed all thoughts of familiarity out of his mind and settled for that as being the cause of the aforementioned bad taste.
He was broken out of his cataloguing of all things ugly about the thing -hair, eyes, mouth, style, everything else- when he noticed Mr.Ugly talking to Soup-boy.
"Heh, Soup-boy", he chuckled, pleased with the term of reference.
"... didn't think you'd be stupid enough to come here Welp", Mr.Ugly was saying.
"Not my choice Skulker, I could alway do with some more time away from the ugly face I'd have to look at if I broke apart your suit again.Can't you see I'm busy now?", Welp gestured vaguely in the other boys direction.
It was really too bad he had an official name now 'Soup-boy' had only just been coined, and sounded better than 'Welp', but whatever... 'Skulker' didn't suit the metal guy as well as Mr.Ugly either, that was even harder than letting go of 'Soup-boy'.
"I think I'll stick with 'Mr.Ugly", he muttered to himself. He wasn't given time to fully settle into this decision before he was thrown back by the force of something slamming into his chest.
He sat up coughing and searching for the culprit. His eyes settled on Mr.Ugly whose big gun thing still had wisps of smoke floating up from its nozzle.
"What the hell!", he yelled.
"So new he still breaths", the ugly bastards smug, ugly mouth laughed."Not worth the time of even you". It said to Welp, completely ignoring the victim of its ugly, freaking gun.
The thought gave him pause. Victim, he wasn't a victim, he would never be a victim no matter what snips of fire and metal and clowns told him.
"Hey", he called out to it, "you ugly freaking peice of filth!". Still it ignored him in favour of saying something about taking the other guys pelt - disgusting. Welps attention was focused fully on Ugly-bastards disgusting monologue.
'It would have been so much easier to beat it into the ground if it wasn't so far above", it the gravity bound boy let out a low growl. He hated being underestimated, and he knew he'd always hated it.
He eyed his surroundings, knowing there had to be a way to get at them. Climbing the trees again only received a token consideration, he was surprised he wasn't bleeding. There didnt seem to be many ways of reaching the two who had started launching glowing things at each other.
" I need a grapple", he grumbled to himself.
He scanned the area around him again.
His eyes lit up with the smirk that twisted his mouth.
Skulker was just another bad factor in what was shaping up to be one of the worst days in Dannys life. First the Box-ghost gets the jump on him with the thermos of all things, then he gets attacked by a newly formed clown ghost. He really should have been paying more attention to where he was. Messing around near Skulkers island was something he would never purposely do, ever. If he had known where he was, and that the ghost couldn't fly he would have been long gone by the time Skulker got there.
Now it was too late to get away, being in the thermos had messed with Dannys powers and disorientated him. He couldn't focus properly on Skulker and knowing there was another hostile ghost nearby wasn't helping at all.
It was all he could do to dodge the blasts that came his way and try firing off a few of his own. He was tempted to use the trees for cover but didn't want to risk any surprises hidden beneath there foliage. The other ghost, while unable to fly, hit hard and had come at him fast, never mind the islands usual inhabitants.
Danny twisted to avoid another of Skulkers blasts. Turning he found the ghost had disappeared from his line of sight. Before he could find him again he heard a whirring sound behind him. He didn't turn around in time to stop the blast to the back of his head that made colours burst to life before his eyes and sent him tumbling from the air. Skulkers aim had improved, either that or he'd gotten lucky. Whatever the case, the halfa was going down -literally.
He slammed into the damp ground of the island below and couldn't bring himself to get back up. The most he could do was slip open one bĺarey eye to watch his end approaching. Skulker took his time floating towards his prey. He landed nearby and calmly walked over to where Dannny lay.
"Anything to say, Welp?", the Ghost-zones greatest hunter smiled.
Danny stared up the muzzle of Skulkers weapon, gathering up his wits for one final witty remark when said weapon was torn out of his line of sight. Replaced by a pair of curley toed shoes. Before he could process this information they were gone.
He shifted his eyes to take in the sight of Skulker being pummelled by the new ghost, with something on a string...
'Is that the thermos? '.

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