Gabriel and Sang Headcanons

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- Gabriel has sketchbooks dedicated to drawings of Sang, and Sang only

- If she asks nicely, he'll sing for her (he tries to get her to sing with him but she refuses)

- She likes to brush his hair and play with it about as much as he likes to play with her hair

- Showing up to school smelling like him because she likes how his shampoo and conditioner smell (she'll smell like whatever he smells like that day sometimes too)

- He gets super flustered when she compliments him and she loves it, but then he gets back at her by making her flustered

- Laying in bed just talking and kissing

- It's not unusual for them to text each other and say that they miss each other

- If he's had a bad/long day he'll stop by to see Sang just to hold her

- She has a lot of his sweatshirts

- Piggy backs

- He falls asleep with his head on her stomach a lot and she loves it

- Neither can handle the other upset (he's really actually rather very protective of her and stands up for her often)

- Occasionally she'll shyly ask if she can choose his outfit and of course he'll light up and say yes

- If Sang slips up and swears, Gabriel is the first to tease her about it 

- While on swearing, Sang loves how much he swears because that's what makes him who he is

a/n: I've been meaning to post this but I keep forgetting!! You know the drill: comment on which ones you would like to see become a one shot, and please tell me who's headcanons you would like to see next!!



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