Chapter 9

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*Dennis' POV*

I wasn't like him. I wasn't.
I walked through the zoo and out into the street, eyes forward and not stopping for anything.
I wasn't like him.
It was getting dark and a woman passed me, giving an uneasy sideward glance, and I looked away. I felt anger clench my fists and I suddenly wanted to yell at the woman. She didn't know me. She shouldn't look at me like that.
I adjusted my glasses and continued down the road, hearing Patricia ask what was wrong. I ignored her and walked until I was in a street that I'd never seen before.
I thought back to the broken girl asking me why I liked to watch girls dance and stopped next to a wall, not leaning against it-I'd practically only just put on this clean shirt-and thought it over. I had never considered it to be strange, it's just always something I'd been interested in... did that make me weird? And I'd touched her cheek... I never do that...
I watched as some people walked towards me and I mulled it over.
As they got closer I could see they were three young women, all in dresses that were only just covering their behinds. I watched them over the top of my glasses as they walked past, not meaning to stare but not able to tear my eyes away from the curves of their bodies.
One of them looked up at me, mid laugh, and immediately dropped her gaze, talking in a hushed tone. The other two girls looked at me quickly before doing the same, and they walked a little faster after that.
I'd given up feeling sad about the response I get from most women, after all I couldn't expect anything else after the way I act... but it still made me angry. For all they know I could be the nicest guy in the world, and yet they assume the worst.
I stood watching their dresses ride up a little as they walked and couldn't help let out a sigh. I was used to the overwhelming ideas of what I could do to the girls that caught my eye, but it made me feel bad all the same. If I let my guard down even for a second, I knew I would be after them right now. I knew that was wrong... but I couldn't help myself. I watched the girls until they were out of sight and pretended that I didn't need to go home and release the frustration that was building inside me. I kept walking, forcing the girls from my mind.

It was almost light when I found myself a few blocks away from the zoo, and I entered through the back gates. The last thing I needed was another comment like 'Barry, I didn't know you wore glasses!' Or 'looking good, Barry'. I entered the building that Barry had made his own and went to the kitchen. I drank a glass of cold water and stared into space. Maybe a shower was a good idea... I had been walking for a good few hours after all...
I got up and, instead of going straight to the bathroom, I took a detour round by the 'changing' room. I slowed down as I neared the door and fought with the idea of going in. I knew deep down that I'd come back with the idea in my head, but I tried to convince myself that I'd come this way for a reason... just checking the door was locked...
I unlocked the door and stepped into the room that lead to the girls'.
I shouldn't be doing this.
I slowly unlocked their door and took a few minutes to think about it, palm against the door ready to push it open.
I could take one of the others instead, then I wouldn't feel so bad...
But they were impure... they were for the beast...
I closed my eyes tightly, feeling the need growing inside me.
She would have to do... I deserved to feel bad.
I opened the door and saw her sitting up in bed. The other two had moved their bed into the corner and were lying down, though I couldn't tell if they were asleep or not. I maintained eye contact with the broken girl and signalled her out of the room. She slowly got up and followed me out, not attempting to argue anymore.
I took her to Hedwig's room and she sat on the sofa. I shut the door behind me and she kept her eyes on the floor.
"Stand." I ordered and she did as she was told. That made me feel powerful and the urge was suddenly stronger, almost overwhelming. I stepped up to her, feeling completely in control... I liked that.
Surprise surprise.
The girl looked up at me, "I thought you felt bad?"

"I do," I admitted, "but I can't help myself."

"You can... I know you can..."

I could feel the the energy building and I bent down, stopping inches from her face, "are you going to do as I say this time?"
She shook her head and I sighed, "I'm trying not to force you... but you're making it difficult."

"I won't do it" she gulped, and I started to get irritated-not a good combination with how I was feeling right now.

"You will," I snapped and snatched at her shirt, but instead of pulling away, she flew towards me and stopped against my chest. I hadn't expected her to move and I glanced down at her, unsure of my next move. I was a little embarrassed, because if she hadn't already seen how excited I was, she would most definitely feel it. I wanted to back away but that would put her in control. I stood my ground and waited for her to move.
Was making her dance weird? Should I be acting differently?
I could smell the faint scent of coconut shampoo from her hair and was immediately intoxicated. I'd never wanted anything more than ten minutes of nudity from someone before, but the feelings I was getting right now we're new... I wanted more.

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