Chapter 19

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*Casey's POV*

Why did I say that? Why? I had no reason to talk to him, none at all... but still...
I paced around the room, beginning to feel crazy in the tiny room with nothing to do. I secretly wished that I'd thought of something else to say, something that would have kept Dennis on the other side of the door for a little longer.
I put a hand on my head. Why was I so interested in Dennis? Did I feel sorry for him? Did I see something worth saving in those clutching blue eyes? Or maybe I was going mad after all.

I sat back on the bed and sang songs in my head to try and block out the thoughts.

Patricia came in later that day with a tray of food and raised a playful eyebrow when she saw only me in the room, "oh dear, more bad behaviour?"

"I guess..." I didn't want to say anything about my past now that the new shirt covered my skin, "can you tell me why I'm here? Please? I just want to know."

"You'll regret asking."

"I don't care."

"Well, okay," she sat down next to me in her usual dainty manner, "the Beast is a creature who believes that people who have been through trauma and have suffered are the purest of humanity. His dream is to rid the world of the impure and start again with stronger, more evolved beings."


"Well... the way he keeps his strength... what's your name, dear?"


"Casey. He has to ingest the impure young to stay strong. Then he can cure the world of the ones who haven't suffered."

"Ingest?" I asked, suddenly feeling sick.

"Yes. As in eat," she looked slightly sympathetic and then smiled, "you just have to think about the bigger picture and that you will be helping a good cause."

I had to stay calm about this... after all, I didn't have to worry; I was pure-Dennis had said so.
"So... do you have D.I.D.?"

She looked surprised and grinned, "my my, aren't you clever? We do... Do you know much about D.I.D.?"

"Not a lot," I confessed, "but I want to know more."

"Well... I suppose seeing as you're not going anywhere and," she looked at her watch, "I have a while... Why not?" She smiled, "Kevin is the original owner of this body and he developed D.I.D. because he was abused by his mother at a young age. We protect him... he doesn't do well on his own anymore so we help him. A personality called Barry is usually the leader, but since the Beast has emerged we have taken over."

"Don't the others agree with him?"

"No, they don't listen to reason. They don't understand that the strong must survive."

"Isn't there a way of doing that... without killing people?"

"Casey, my dear, we follow the Beast and that's that. If we had planned this then no, I don't suppose we would choose to kill people, but the Beast has been clear. I do not wish to kill anyone, but if it is what we must do to protect Kevin, then it is necessary."

"What about Dennis and Hedwig?"

"What about them?"

"Do they agree with killing innocent girls?"

"Hedwig is a child, he doesn't fully understand what we are asking of him, but he's here to help Kevin, too. As for Dennis... I hate to say that I think he's just happy to be around the young ladies."

I noted the distaste in her expression, "you don't like him?"

"I get along fine with Dennis... but what he gets up to in his spare time is none of my concern, nor do I want it to be. I don't agree with how he treats women, but he is part of me. I am in charge and he knows that... he hates it, but we have reached an understanding."

"Why is he like that with women?"

"He... how can I put this... he seems to be the side of Kevin that was missing... he's confident and proud, and he's not afraid of anything. Dennis was the first identity to come into existence, so he had to be the one to keep Kevin safe for a long time. I don't know why he changed from helping him to suddenly getting him in trouble, but he can't seem to keep his hands off of women. I suppose that's just the way he is. The three of us are what they call undesirable identities... so I guess I can't be one to judge."

"Why are you undesirable?"

"I have very strong beliefs and opinions that the others don't share. The Beast's plan is something that a lot of people would consider wrong, and the other personalities have kept me out of the light because I support him. Dennis is pretty self explanatory, and Hedwig... he's so easily led, and he has a child's temper... not to mention the way he acts. They just can't let him have the light in case he causes trouble. He's done nothing wrong, but Hedwig is treated like us."

"'The light'?" I questioned.

"Um, that's what we call gaining control of Kevin's body."

"Oh... so... you admit you're in the wrong?"

"I don't believe I'm doing wrong... but I can see how others would."

"I see."

She smiled sadly, "I'm sorry it's come to this, you're a very nice young lady. You're very mature for your age."

"Thank you. Do you know if Dennis will be around later?"

"He was supposed to be fixing the lights in the corridor later... why?"

"I wanted to speak to him. We didn't finish our conversation the other day before Marcia got taken out."

She looked puzzled, "Dennis has been talking to you?"

"Not much, no... but there's something I wanted to talk to him about. That's all."

"Hmm... you just be careful with him, okay? He's not one to become friendly with... I don't think he even grasps that concept."

"I will," I assured her, trying to ignore the worried look on her face.

"Well, I must go and prepare for the Beast. Two more days," she almost sang as though she was waiting for Christmas. I smiled thinly at her as she got up and opened the door.


"I do hope you won't take this personally... you really are a sweet girl."

I tried to smile but I doubted it was convincing, and Patricia had gone anyway.
Now to sit and wait for Dennis.

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