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"Order three fifteen, one Pan Bagnat, ready to go."

The dark-haired woman gave a quick nod as she picked up the sandwich from the open kitchen window of the fairly large restaurant.

Or as she liked to call it, the eye of the diner.
There was something enticing about catching a glimpse of the chefs working their magic behind the kitchen doors.

"Bon Appetite." She grinned at the regular seated at table four as she placed his breakfast on the steel table before turning towards the bar.

"You are aware of the reason we hired waitresses, right?"

Marinette rolled her eyes and spared a glance at the ombré-haired woman putting together a drink behind the counter. Alya Césaire, her long-time best friend and business partner, was the woman in question.

"One of the perks of running a business is bonding with the customers." She argued as Alya topped up the drink with cranberry juice and a splash of grenadine.

"Yes indeed, but seriously, we shouldn't be handing out pay checks if we're the ones getting all the work done. " Alya stressed as she garnished the edge of the highball glass with an orange wedge and a tropical umbrella.

"Sex on the beach for Damien." She smiled as she served the glass on a coaster.

Her grayish gold eyes landed on two of her employees chatting their eardrums off at the far end of the diner. "Hey, you two. Back to work! "

"See." Her eyes seemed to say it all, and Marinette heaved a sigh in defeat.

The best friends had discovered their affinity for making bellies happy after they worked at Tom and Sabine's boulangerie patisserie during their summer breaks before leaving high school.

Of course, their individual dreams were still valid, and they felt blissful baking up goodies and serving them to the customers who had grown to love them. Sabine was convinced they'd try to take over the bakery, while Tom and Marlena Césaire were just happy to see their daughters follow their families' traditions.

The best friends then decided to broaden their skills in the culinary arts. Marinette took courses in the art of building recipes and mixing techniques, while Alya ventured into the business side of running an enterprise and mixology.

When Tom passed away, Marinette knew she'd wanted to put her skills to good use, thus establishing the most sought-after diner in the area years later, with her best friend by her side.

"Alright, alright." She groaned, earning an exasperated sigh from her business partner.

"What's up?" Marinette perked a brow as she took in the sudden look on Alya's face. The dark-haired woman plopped on one of the bar stools, chugging down a bottle of water as she watched as her brown-skinned friend typed away on her phone.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go. Something came up at the last minute." Alya rambled as she threw her phone, notepad, and other necessities into her handbag.

"I'm so sorry, Mari. Look after the place for us, will ya?" The young woman bit her lip at her best friend, who was now moving behind the counter.

"It's no problem, babe. Go be where you have to." Marinette gave her a warm smile as she helped her friend out of the black apron tied around her waist.

"Thank you, and no babysitting for the staff." The brunette warned, earning an eye roll from the dark-haired woman.

"Just get out." Marinette gave a toothy grin as Alya placed a kiss on her cheek before exiting the now bustling restaurant.

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