In the world I dreamt of ~A short story~ PART 1

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This short story is based on a dream I once had. This story comes with a warning, it is graphic therefore for mature eyes only, contains rape and filled with horror. Can I guarantee a happy ending? You'll have to find out.

Dedicated to my best friend, Brandon 

~may your bad luck disappear?

I gave up on love a long time ago, supposedly. My drive is favored by lust. You can't get off a drug so easily, it's the exact same way. Its funny how that line of difference between love and lust is almost invisible.


It all started with a book. Though it seemed like harmless fun, a new cult found its

ancient pages to be a very good amount of information. If the information had been

burned along with the library it was housed in maybe it wouldn't have turned out this

way. Then again if it hadn't I wouldn't be alive. I chose that night to run away, to break

free from my adoptive, abusive parents to be on the run forever. I chose my fate. It

would be an adventure everyday. I. Was. Wrong. So I write on the walls of my cell,

hoping I'll leave but that will never happen. The half-breeds assured me that. I've taught

myself to read and write in their language. Someday I hope to find it useful. Now I await

what will come to pass. Will they visit me today? What tasks would they force me to do?

Will they rape me as they had done before? And burn and mark my skin with symbols I

still do not understand? What will become of me as I wait to die? I am the last of my kind

for miles around. This is my side of the story. -Nine

Chapter 1 Promises

'I wanted to be free, 

I gave way into nothing 

So I'm trapped, for now'


"What?" I spat at Mom. "You're pronouncing it wrong, it's acture, not acturi." 

"Sorry sheesh." 

"If you don't get it right in the incantation you know the spell will be broken." 

"Why am I learning this? It's not like I'll be using it, I'm not going to become a part of the cult Mom." 

"Oh yes you are, if you don't then we will be exiled to the borderlands. Do you want that?" 

"Uh it's probably better than here, this place is so polluted I can barely breathe out there!" 

"That's because you haven't been assimilated with the rest of the community yet, once you turn eighteen, it'll be much better. It's your duty to follow the law." 

"Like I give a damn about the law." I spat. 

"Young man you will do as I say, do you hear me?" She asked. 

"Uh I'll pass." Fury flared in her eyes. She was never good at hiding her emotions like I was. "You're just like your father so damn irresponsible, useless. You disgrace this family." 

"Well this family you speak of has never given a shit about me so why should I care about you!?!" I shouted. I started to walk away, but I was held back by her hand. 

In the world I dreamt of ~A short horror story~Where stories live. Discover now