In the world I dreamt of ~A short horror story~ PART 2

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Chapter 6 Apologies

'I climb, I fight, living,

Breathing, I scream for help, dying,

Restless night, I fear death'

I settled myself on the couch, staring at the two men. Both were dressed in black suit and tie. One looked in his forties, a scarred face, and a real beefy guy. The other was on the scrawny side and I realized he was the same man from the hotel room.

"You need me because of what my dad did, don't you?" They looked at each other then back at me.

"What happened to your you were told was a lie."

"What? You mean to tell me I was lied to?" I asked, voice rising.

"Yes the reason why is because he was on a secret mission to protect the sacred book."

"So it's still in existence?"

"Correct, your father hid it within the ruins of a city in South America."

"Then why don't you get it yourselves? I don't care if it's gone, I hope it turns to ash." I said, bitterly.

"You want your entire race to die?"

"Putting it lightly, yes."

"Are you ma-" The other was cut off.

"Calm down, he has a right to be angry."

"Hell yeah I do, we've turned the entire world upside down, do you know how much fear and death has been created?"

"It's how our culture survives."

"Well it's wrong."

"Then your father died for nothing."

"There's no way I'm helping you and this messed up cult."

"Not even for your sister?"

"You wouldn't."

"With your cooperation, nobody has to get hurt."

"You're sick." I said, disgusted.

"Are we? Or is someone just being a brat?"

"Go to hell!" I shouted, standing up. He whipped out a cell phone.

"Hey Lenny, go ahead I know your dying to." The phone was set on speaker so I could here shuffling on the other end.

"Get over here girlie, I've waited too fucking long!" "NO!!!" I heard my sister scream.

"Stop it!" I shouted. "Don't do this! She's only six!"

"If you agree to help us."

"I will! I will! Just stop him!"

"Lenny stop!" The man barked into the phone.

"Ugh! Chief! I was so damn close!" He hung up.

"So we have an agreement then?" He asked.

Nine's POV

Someone was nudging my shoulder gently.


"Hm?" My eyes fell on the blondie. "Ethan?"

"Thank you." He kissed my cheek and I quickly rubbed it away, disgusted.

"I saved you, yippee, don't make me regret it." I growled.

"Sorry." He mumbled. "But something's happened."


"Jengo's gone."

"What do you mean gone?"

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