In the world I dreamt of PART 3

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Chapter 9

‘Midnight, memory,

Let me remember my importance,

I found my purpose, let me live it’

‘I will honor it,

I shall endure it, remember it,

Embrace it for who I am’

‘That power of yours is gone,

I laugh at your pitiful attempts of escape,

Your power is now mine’

“Jengo I knew your father and I’m Artemis’ incarnate.”

“Incarnate huh? Perfect.” He said, smirking.

“And you’re my-” He cut me off.


“So that means we work together. We were meant to meet.”

“The book will be destroyed with your blood.”

“Is that how all the half-breeds will be freed?”

“Yes but right now, we need to find a place we can safely and properly do this.”

“I was going to leave with Ethan, he has his own house.”

“Perfect, I’ll tag along.”

“I don’t know if Ethan would appreciate that.” I said. “I know he’s jealous of you.”

“I can understand why. I’m way better looking than him.” He joked. I laughed and Jengo looked slightly dazed.

“Jengo is something wrong?”

“No it’s nothing I just don’t know how we’re going to get out of here.”

“I’m sure there has to be a way and if someone does happen to get in our way, I’ll make sure they go down.” I beamed at him, standing up. “We’re leaving now.”

“Now? But that’s a bit sudden.”

“Now. I’m sick of this place, two years too long.” Jengo led me to their room.

“Oh hey guys what’s the matter?” Ethan asked. He was packing some of his things into a duffel bag.

“Artemis was just attacked we need to leave, now.” Jengo said.

“Okay but the boss doesn’t want you leaving.” 

“Someone give me a weapon I’ll kill him if I have to.” I said. They both stared at me.

“There’s no way I’m letting you-” I cut Ethan off.

“He killed my parents.” I said, lowly. Jengo and Ethan were silent.  “He can’t kill me, so there’s not much he can do, I mean I’m his favorite pet. You guys gave me that power, I can’t lose blood, only regain.”

“Yeah but he could easily poison you.” Ethan warned.

“Guess I’m going to take that chance.” I argued. Jengo reached into his pocket and handed me a dagger.

“Jengo you can’t be serious.” Ethan pleaded.

“If she really is Artemis’ incarnate, she’ll be fine. I have no doubt she isn’t.” He replied.

“Ethan, let me go.” I said.

“But….” He didn’t have anything left to say, hanging his head in defeat.

“I’ll be back in an hour and if I’m not back, leave and Jengo…burn that book to Hell.” I walked out the door. I knew where he was. I pressed the button for the elevator. Its doors opening robotically and I walked inside, pressing the top floor button. I could hear the clicking of the elevator whirling through its shaft as I counted the floors. The tension was killing me mentally and I was fidgeting, twirling the silver dagger in my hand, ready for a fight.

In the world I dreamt of ~A short horror story~Where stories live. Discover now