On the wrong schip

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A little bit of light woke me up. Where was I? I tried to stand up, but that wasn't so easy. I felt my tied hands and remembered everything that happened again. Fear and sadness stroke me again. I looked around and saw a woman standing at the door. When the woman stepped towards me I tried to keep the distance between her and me, but the room was small and the wall behind me stopped me. I looked angry at her and waited till the almost got me. Then I would try to kick her and after that I would...

What could I do. I was trapped on a ship. There was no way out. Still I tried it. Just two more steps. One more. Then I kicked. I was to busy thinking of a way out that I didn't look where I kicked and missed.

 O, no, I thought. Now I had done it. The woman pulled me out of my jail to..., I would know soon enough. I struggled as much as I could. It didn't really work, but it gave me the feeling I wasn't completely helpless. The more I struggled the harder she pulled. Until she almost dislocated my shoulder. Suddenly the woman stopped and pushed me forwards.

I looked around and saw that I stood in the centre of a group pirates. They looked gross. Their hair was filthy and greasy and their clothes were torn. One looked even worse. That one was probably the leader. I tried not to look scared, but inside I felt like screaming.

The leader stepped forwards and I stepped back. After a few steps I stopped. I didn't know what they were planning to do. The only thing I knew was that I wanted to get out of there. At least I could better not show how scared I was. 

Everything seemed to happen slowly. The leader came closer. So close I could feel her breath. 

'So you was on a men's ship. You should be grateful to us that we took you away from there.'

As answer I kick her her shinbone. I startled when she suddenly started laughing. It was a laugh I thought only witches could do. She saw my startled face and took her knife. First she lifted it as if she was planning to kill me but then the put it in my arm's flesh. Tears were filling my eyes as I tried not to scream. The leader stroke my face. Quickly I looked away. The tears in my eyes weren't just because of the pain anymore. She lifted my face so I had to look at her.

'Now you're doing exactly what we say or it will be worse. Understood?'

I didn't have a choice and nodded. They untied my hands. I fell on my knees with my hand on my face and started crying. Not because of everything what happened or pain. Just because I made a promise. I would be the rest of my life a prisoner.

You might think that this is the end, but I am not quite done.

On to the wrong shipWhere stories live. Discover now