Chapter 4: The Laboratory

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To say we were all shocked about this truth was an understatement. How would the government allow human sacrifices to be made? We kept our heads down as we headed back to our hotel rooms, not saying a single word. I almost felt sick to my stomach.

Sitting down on the couch, I opened the book to the chapter on philosopher's stone. Now that I knew the secret, every aspect of it seemed so disgusting now. How our own government can tolerate this is just beyond me. But why would they need it?

Closing the book, I layed down on the bed. It might be best for me to try and get some sleep. Yet no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get it out of my head. 'The real ingredient for a Philosopher's Stone is human souls.' Even thinking it made me grimace.

I heard a knock on my door, prompting me to go and open it. When I did, I saw Ed and Al standing there with determination. "Guys, it's late. Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"We have to check something out that can give us more answers. You coming?" Ed offered. Thinking for a moment, I decided to go with them. We walked over to what they said was the fifth laboratory.

Hoping over the wall, Ed and I snuck in through a vent while Al waited outside. Once we were in, we both noticed something odd. The lights were on.

"Pretty suspicious for a laboratory out of commission to have working electricity," he pondered. I hummed in agreement.

Following the hallway, we came across a division. "I'll go this way. You see what's down there," I told him, the both of us going our separate paths. "Alright, be careful," he warned.

Walking down the hallway, I found an assortment of rooms that were in disarray. Medical equiment was sprawled everywhere. Whoever was here left in a hurry. Opening up one of the drawers, I found a stack of files. Looks like someone forgot some important stuff. Opening one, I found a list of names with serial numbers next to them.

"Prisoners?" I thought to myself. At that moment, I heard a loud noise from down the hallway. Ed! I ran out as fast as I could to find him in a large room that had a transmutation circle in the middle. He was sitting against a pillar and a dismembered suit of armor laid on the ground. It was even still talking!

Just like Al.

"Ed!" I ran over to the injured kid, trying to help him. The suit's helmet then started to talk.

"I'll tell you everything I know. I'll tell you who made the Philosopher's Stone and ordered us to guard this place." Ed and I turned to listen to what he had to say when two long spear-like objects shot out of the darkness, breaking the seal. We all looked in shock as they brought the helmet back to a ravenette woman wearing a black revealing dress.

"Well that was a close call. Number 48 you should know better than to say things that don't concern you," she said in a seductive voice. Another person appeared from behind her. They had long black strands of hair and an odd choice of clothes: a crop top and a skort with gloves.

"Well well would you look at that, what's the Fullmetal pipsqueak doing here? Oh, and he brought a little friend with him," they, or he (?), said in a raspy voice.

"Such troublesome kids. How did you find out about this place," the woman asked as they both stepped forward. Suddenly, the helmet she had was broken in two.

"Brother? Brother?!" The suit of armor on the ground shouted. Suddenly, the guy came up and started stabbing his seal, ranting about ruining some kind of plan. What the hell was going on.

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