The Response

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I don't own Kim Possible or Avengers or any other characters.

Natasha/Unknown/Kim P.O.V

The letter said:

Dear Nat,

Sorry about contacting you while you are on your mission but this is kind of important.  Also sorry about using your Natalyn Rabelo alias I wasn't sure which name to put it under :). 

Anyways so you know how you used to be part of the Red Room?  By any chance do you know how many Red Room facilities there are and where they are?  Because if you can tell us anything about locations of Red Room facilities that would be great.

Also, I was wondering if you knew the names of your fellow Red Room... would classmates be the right word?  Well anyways here's the thing please don't kill me for doing this, but I eaves dropped on the conversation between Ronald and your friend Unknown.  I figured it would be fine because I doubt that Ronald knows anything about Unknown same as the rest of the Avengers and I didn't learn anything about her from that conversation, at least nothing that would tell me who she is behind the mask but I came across something rather interesting.

Ronald started talking about Kim Possible his possibly deceased partner and girlfriend.  Ronald described how she was taken and I was wondering if it is possible that she was one of your peers in the Red Room.  Ronald described how there was a lady with her black haired tied back in a bun and twelve year old girls that fought like they had been training their whole lives.  He said that even with the Mystic Monkey Power he was no match for them.  It sounds a lot like the Red Room to me but I could be wrong, thought I would double check with someone who was actually part of it.

Your friend,

Clint Barton

I re-read the letter again and again absorbing the information.  What was I going to tell Clint?  I fiddled with the bottom of my tank top in thought.  I got up grabbed a piece of paper and began writing.

Dear Clint,

There are multiple Red Room locations.  They are like McDonald's you can and will find them everywhere.  I don't remember most of the ones I visited due to memory wipes but I'll tell you what I can.  There is the one you found me in all those years ago but I'm sure you remember where that one is located.  Here is a list of locations from what I remember:

Moscow, Russia

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Berchtesgaden, Germany

I'm sorry I can't be any more specific my memories are all jumbled up because of the Red Room and I'm still sorting through the pieces.

As for a Kim Possible

I stopped writing.  What was I going to tell Clint?  I could lie, tell a partial truth, tell the truth, so many options but only one right answer.  I began to tap the end of my pen against the paper.  After some thought I started writing again.

, she was not one of my peers in the Red Room if she was a Red Room recruit she was in a different branch then I was.  

Good luck on your mission.

Your friend,


I read through my letter a couple times before deciding that it would do.  I put it in an envelope and put the letter in the pant pocket of my Unknown uniform.  I took a shower changed into my pajamas and went to bed.

I woke up at 5 A.M. ate breakfast, did my morning workout, meditation and a little yoga before putting on my Unknown uniform.  I traveled to Avengers tower the same way but this time instead of jumping through a window I used the front door.  

"Good morning Unknown," Clint chirped.  I nodded my head in acknowledgment.

"It came in this morning, I assume it's for you," I informed while holding out the letter for him.  His eyes lit up.

"Thanks Unknown!" Clint exclaimed as he snatched the letter and ran away to go and read it.  I walked to the living room area and sat down on the couch.


Clint P.O.V

I woke up at 5 A.M. ate breakfast and did my morning workout.  After my workout I took a shower, put on my uniform and went to see if I could find Ronald.  I wanted to talk to him about Kim Possible.  Only to run into Unknown.

"Good morning Unknown," I chirped.  She nodded her head in acknowledgment.

"It came in this morning, I assume it's for you," Unknown informed while holding out a letter.

"Thanks Unknown!" I exclaimed as I snatched the letter and ran to my room so I could read it in privacy.  Upon entering my room I closed the door and sat down on my bed.  The letter was addressed to Charlie Beckendorf one of my other aliases touché Nat, touché.  I opened the envelope and began reading.  After reading I put the letter down in thought.  Based on her description of how many there were there are hundreds and she only has vague locations of three of them.  Great.  Note sarcasm.  And Kim Possible could have been in a different Red Room than her?!  That's just great!  I stood up and left my room to show the others.

I went to the living room and found everyone there except Tony.  I sighed.  I went back to my room and grabbed a blow horn, my bow and a grappling arrow.  I made my way to Stark's bedroom and found him fast asleep in his bed.  I fired the grappling arrow at the celling directly above him and let it pull me up.  Ounce I was above him I slowly lowered myself down until I was just above his head.  I brought the blow horn down next to his ear.  HHOOOOOOOONNNNNNKKK!  I pushed the button turning it on.

"AAAAHHHHH!" Tony screamed.  I cackled in response.

"Get up Stark, I got a letter from Tasha," I snapped as I walked out of the room.  Five minutes later everyone was gathered in the living room.

"Ok guys, yesterday I sent a letter to Natasha asking if she knew any of the locations of other Red Rooms.  She wrote back today-" I began only to be cut off by Tony.

"So what did she say Legolas?" he yawned.

"She remembers vague locations three Red Rooms one is in Moscow, Russia, one is in Berchtesgaden, Germany, and the third one is Calgary, Alberta, Canada," I listed.

"That's a lot of area to cover," Cap commented.

"Which is nothing that we can't handle," Ronald stated while Rufus nodded his head in agreement.  Bruce looked at him like he was crazy.  

"Ronald that's way to much area to search, it's impossible-" Ronald cut Bruce off.

"Check my girlfriend's name.  You are the Avengers, I'm Ronald Stoppable we are used to doing the impossible I can't say much for Unknown but I'm sure that she is the used to it as well.  We can and will do this!" Ronald exclaimed.

"I agree with Ronald" Unknown said while standing up "Thor and Steve you guys search Moscow, Tony and Bruce you search Berchtesgaden, Agent Barton and Ronald your with me we'll search Calgary; if we don't find anything in Calgary the three of us will split up and help the others search Moscow and Berchtesgaden; any questions about the plan or complaints about who your partnered up with?"  Unknown looked at everyone in the room.  Since no one said anything I nodded my head and left to go to the hanger with the others following behind.

Sorry for the late update everyone.  Hope this was worth the wait.  Until the next chapter call me beep me if you wanna reach me.

Natasha Possible (Kim Possible And Marvel Avengers Crossover) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now