number forty six // edited

183 19 8

zac took me to the back of the school.

where.. no one could see us..

"taylor listen.. i'm so fucking sorry, i've been a fucking asswipe.. it's the guys they.. they can get me into a record label... " he began

i'm really confused about all of this, the friends he showed me the other day were just a couple of low lives, how would they ever get him there and what does it have to do with me?

"and.. they aren't as open minded as most people.." he said


"so what you're saying is that you've been a fucking douche to me because those dick holes are making you?! are you fucking stupid?!" i spat

"taylor i'm sorry... you don't deserve this.." he said

"you're right, i don't.." and with that i walked away.

boys don't cry // paramore auWhere stories live. Discover now