Chapter 2: Polis

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"Clarke, you gotta wake up! We need to get going." I open my eyes to see a blurry Maddie leaning over me, shaking me awake. I blink a few times to clear my vision. "Everyone's waiting, let's go eat." She says to me while throwing clothes at me.

"Where's Bellamy?" I look around and notice I'm alone in bed. "He's downstairs with the others, he said he wanted to let you sleep." She stands there arms crossed over her chest, foot tapping on the floor as if to rush me. I throw on the clothes she threw at me and quickly brush my hair.

Leaving my room I can hear everyone downstairs. I make my way to them, following the sound of laughter and the scent of breakfast. "Clarke! We weren't sure if you were coming, figured bellamy tired you out!" Monty shouts to me, when I emerge from the hall making my cheeks burn but I laugh it off.

I quietly walk down the stairs to the table and take a seat between Bellamy and Raven.  Raven pushes over to make room for me and gives Bellamy a strange look. I may be a little groggy, but I definitely didn't imagine it. Letting it go for now I decide it's not something I plan on calling them out on in front of everyone.

Ignoring whatever just happened, I grab a plate and start picking at the food. "Not hungry?" Bellamy asks while putting his arm around my waist. "Just too excited to see the rest of our people." I smile at him. The truth is, that's only half the reason, I want to know what that strange look was.

"Lets get out of here then!" Harper jumps up rattling the table. She looks much better than she did last night. Her hair in her classic side braid and a big smile on her face. "I agree, let's go!" I get up and lead the way to the garage.

"I will drive Clarke, Maddie and Raven in this rover, Monty, you follow us with Harper, Murphy and Emori in the other." Bellamy barks out orders like nothing ever changed. We all hop in to our assigned vehicles and take off. "To Polis!" Maddie giggles.


I haven't been to Polis in over a year. The complete destruction of what was once the palace of the commander, was hard to bear. As we get closer I can see it through the trees, the top part of the tower has completely crumbled to the ground, leaving a building not much taller than the rest. My heart sinks, Primfaya cause so much devastation. It feels like getting our people out is going to be impossible.

The rest of them pull up next to us and we all jump out. "Well, this is going to be a problem. What's the plan now?" Murphy says looking out towards Polis.

"I've been thinking about this for a while. Digging them out myself was not doable, but with you guys and two rovers I bet we can pull out all that debris." I look at Raven who seems to be reading my mind. "I think I know just what to do." She says with a smile.

Maddie has been standing there mouth wide open the whole time. I forget she hasn't seen Polis since before Primfaya, even then she was so little. Bellamy walks up to her and puts his hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Maddie, Raven and Clarke will figure out a way into that bunker." She looks up into his smiling face and smiles back at him, making my heart melt.

We drive on to the bunker, occasionally stopping to remove debris in the way. Everything looks so different. A city that used to be filled with grounders, selling and trading. There was even a time when the street ran with blood, back when Alie was controlling people, even then the city was bustling with people. Now it's empty. No people. No food cooking. No noise at all. Just the sound of the engine.

We stop in front of the tower, at the entrance of the flamekeepers temple. There's only a small amount of debris in front of the door we have to move out of the way. We all get out of the rovers and look up at what's left of the tower. "Lucky the tower collapsed on the other side." Monty says pushing to the front and starts pulling peices of the tower out of their way. Taking Monty's lead everyone else starts to clear the way.

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