Chapter 3: Missing

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Bellamy takes off toward the hole, running like his life depends on it. "Wait!" I yell to him, but he doesn't stop. "We don't know what's down there. You're right, it could be a trap." I continue. He stops dead in his tracks, inches from the hole. "My sister, my responsibility" he says with a stern face. "I know, but we should get everyone else first and then we will all go in. Together." He finally turns around and nods his head in agreement. I grab his hand and look him in the eyes "Octavia is strong. They're all ok. We just have to find where they went." I tell him. He smiles at me and pulls me in the direction of the others.

"What's going on? Where is everyone? Why is the bunker shut down?" Raven fires questions at us as we make it back to the group. I shake my head, mostly to indicate no one is down there, and partially to clear my head.

"They're all gone. There was some sort of explosion. We cant figure out who did it, or why but we need to follow it and see where it takes us. Hopefully to our people." Bellamy says, not wasting any time. "Everyone ready your weapons, Clarke and I will lead. Emori, Murphy, you take Maddie in between the two of you and follow us. Harper, Monty, you guys take the back." He looks each one of us in the eye to make sure we all know exactly what we're doing.

We creep our way through the bunker leading the others back to the hole. Raven stops us so she can examine it. She stands there for a while, looking up to see how big it is, and glancing in to see how it was created. Gingerly she runs her fingers along the scortched edges and rubs it between her index finger and thumb. She finally turns on her heels making her ponytail swing around. "The burn marks on the outer edge make it look like someone set off a bomb. If I had to guess I would say it was done from the inside and then a tunnel was made. I'm betting they were running out of resources and couldn't get out through the door so this was their plan B." She says with a giant grin on her face.

I let out a sigh of relief. If anyone could figure out what happened, it's Raven. "Lets follow the tunnel then, it should lead us to them." I breathe out, already walking towards the hole. Everyone falls into position behind me. Stealing a glance at Bellamy I notice he's looking at me too. We hold each others gaze for a moment before setting off into the tunnel.

It goes on for miles. The only light we had was from the back up lights in the bunker, which is now nowhere in sight. It's cold, and damp which makes me shiver. I have to keep my hand on the wall to make sure the tunnel doesn't split off. "Everyone still with us?" I whisper and wait to hear everyone sound off.

Just as the feeling of hopelessness starts washing over me a small light appears in front of us. It's impossible to tell if it's the end of the tunnel, or if the light is coming from someone walking toward us. My heart rate quickens. Could it be our people? Keeping quiet we continue forward, the light getting bigger and more bright. I can see green and brown, "Outside!" I say happily. That means they made it out.

We step out of the tunnel blinking the sun spots away. My eyes start to focus and I look around for any signs of where our people may have gone. "Our best chance at finding them is to split up. Look for anything that may help." Everyone nods at me in agreement and we all go our separate ways.

I decide to head towards the nearest water source, a small stream. As I walk I check for broken branches, footprints, anything irregular. A little trick Finn taught me on tracking. My efforts prove to be useless without knowing how long ago the tunnel was created, they could have escaped over a year ago.

I continue toward the stream. If I know Octavia, she would have started building their new home near a water source. "They have to be along this stream" I mumble to myself.

The stream flows and bubbles but doesn't give up any clues as to where our people went. I follow the flow of water in the opposite direction of the tunnel keeping my ears open for the slightest of noises.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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