Chapter 1: Welcome Home

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It's been 2,638 days since Primfaya. The wreckage was unlike anything I had ever seen before. Whole cities crumbled, forests on fire, people screaming, suffering.

I survived the radiation thanks to the nightblood transfusion, but I was separated from my family. Some had to take a chance and launch back into space, the rest burried deep in an underground bunker. I radio them everyday in hopes they hear me from. The ground has been survivable for a little over a year now, but no one has come back. There has been no contact with the bunker, or from space.

The only person I have is Maddie. We found each other a year after the radiation wave hit. Shes been the only thing keeping me sane, I don't know what I would have done being alone all this time. I didnt do so well that first year by myself. She may only be twelve, but she's a fighter. I've taught her how to survive by hunting and being prepared. In return she makes me laugh, and makes sure I don't take everything too seriously.

I walk up the hill where I radio the others daily. It's my favorite spot, you can see clearly for miles around. The scenery is beautiful, bright vibrant colors fill the forest below me, the sky a perfect blue with only a few puffy clouds in sight. I look behind me to check Maddie is still in the rover waiting for me. She sees me looking and happily waves back to me. I smile and kneel down looking back up toward the sky.

"Bellamy,  I don't know if you can even hear me, but the ground is survivable again. I need you to come back. I need all of you." My voice cracks. I sigh, knowing my efforts are useless. All this time and I haven't heard a word. Something must have gone wrong, if they could have come back they would have by now.

I gather up my gear and head back to the rover. Opening the door I take one last look towards the sky as if willing Bellamy to hear me. I know in my gut that they're out there just trying to find a way back to the ground.

My mind must be playing tricks on me again, because I hear a loud boom. "Look!" Maddie squeals as she points toward the sky. Looking toward the direction she's pointing, I see a ship streaming down to earth.

I dig for binoculars and point them to the direction of the falling ship. "It's them Maddie, it's our family! It has to be." Starting up the rover I calculate where the ship is going to land. "Buckle up, and be prepared." A giant smile forms across Maddies lips. "Bellamy!" She practically shouts.

I make my way through the thick, yet familiar forest as fast as I safely can. "What are you going to tell him?" Maddie pries, making me blush. "I've been without him for six years. I'm going to tell him the truth. I love him." I tell her.

We pull up to the landing site. Everything looks mostly fine from the outside, something caught fire, but it was contained. Probably Raven. I hear a hiss and notice the hatch door opening. With my gun at the ready I brace myself. I have no idea what happened to them while they were up there, it's possible this isn't even them. Maddie takes note of my tension and readies her weapon too.

The hatch door is completely open and I can make out an outline of someone, a man. He steps into the sunlight and looks up at the sky, a smile that says, we made it home, lights up his whole face. "Bellamy!" I yell to him as I put my gun away and sprint towards him.

I leap into his arms and he embrasses me. He runs his hand through my hair and whispers "I was afraid I would never see you again." Putting both hands on either side of my head he looks me over. "Clarke, I can't be without you for another second." He says quickly before he leans in and kisses me. My heart jumps and I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls my waist against his making reality completely slip away.

"Ahem." Raven clears her throat next to us. Me and Bellamy pull apart and I smile at her. "Raven! I missed you so much!" I grab her and give her a hug. "Me too Clarke. We have so much to talk about." She chuckles.

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