♡ Sleep for Tired Ones ♡

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       🍒 Hello, bbies!! Sleep is something worth writing about! Being soft means taking sleeping very serious! I will teach you the proper ways, times, and technics of sleeping! ☁️

       First, let's talk where you should sleep. 🌈 Of course a bed is ideal but anywhere is possible.

Sheets are important! I suggest using silk sheets and pillow covers. ☀️ Silk is good for your skin and your hair, plus you can get it in pink! 🎀

Make sure to change out your sheets and pillowcases regularly to prevent acne and smells. 🌻

You should try to sleep 7-10 hours! Ideally you should sleep 8-9 but somewhere around there is good too. 🍰Only take naps for 30 minutes just to wake you up. Any more you will wake up tired but you will not be able to sleep that night. ✨

Get off your phone 1 hour before bed. Read a book, draw, do skin care, or do your nails. 🍦 Doing this will help you fall asleep faster. Don't forget to set alarms and tell all your friends 'good night and you love them'. 💫

        Always brush your teeth before bed and put your hair in; Braids, a silk cloth, or in a bun. 🌱 Always brush your hair before doing this as well.

       💖 Drink some water or tea.

     I know it can be very hard to sleep some times. From your mind running to stress, it all is preventing you from getting the proper amount of sleep you need. 👼🏻 Here is a trick was taught when I had a really bad time with sleep.

♡ Step 1 ~ Breathe in from your mouth until your lungs feel full and you can't breathe in anymore. 🐇

♡ Step 2 ~ Close your mouth and breathe out through your nose. 🕊 All the way until you have no more air in your lungs.

♡ Step 3 ~ Repeat this many more times. After you start feeling sleepy, you can just take deep breaths in and put your nose. 🌸

      This really helps me when I'm anxious or stressed. 🍋

      🌼 It is also not a bad thing to take a sleeping pill (ONLY ON CERTAIN OCCASIONS!!!!) Like if you can't sleep for nothing and you have to get up early for something important.

      That's my take of sleep! I hope you liked this chapter, and if you try the little step by step thing comment and tell me if it worked for you. 🎈

           💌 With Love,
                      Bonnibel ♡

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