An Unexpected Event

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Harmony POV

I was asleep me and my Sister share a room i was dreaming about Fairies don't judge me

"Wake up sleepy heads the sun's been up for ages!" i heard mom

"Just five more minutes mom..." i said

"You're late Bloom and Harmony!" Mom said i shout out of bed real fast same as Bloom

"School!?! Oh no! Why didn't you wake us up before oh the alarm didn't go off oh no i can't believe it!" Bloom yelled as we got ready wait a sec where on Vacation

"Hang on a sec school's out the alarm didn't go off because we're on Vacation oh mom your joke isn't funny!" i said to her

"Bloom...Harmony...well you two fell for it didn't you?" Mom asked i walked back to my bed

"We're sleepy we're going back to bed " Bloom said as i was in my bed with my pet bunny Kiki

"You two should try going to bed earlier you know you two were up really late last night " Mom said as i smiled a little

"We where reading..." i said as Mom picked up a book

"Fairies myth or reality ugh don't you guy's ever get tried of these silly things?" Mom asked

"They're not silly okay?" Bloom said

"Actually now that school is over you two can help me in the shop " Mom said as she walked out me and Bloom looked at each other

"Noooo!!" we complained Kiki came on my head while kiko was following Bloom we walked downstairs and saw dad

"Good morning sunshines!" Dad said smiling at us

"We're not going to spend are summer working in the shop!" i said to Dad and Mom

"We wish we can go somewhere fun with are friend's" Bloom said

"When you two are older you can go wherever you want " Dad said i groaned

"How old is older Bloom's already 16 and I'm 15!" i said a bit annoyed

"Already 16 and 15 you two are still my little girl's " Dad said i beat he's thinking of me and Bloom as little kid's...

"Dad it's not fair!" Bloom said as i nodded in agreement

"Listen in a few weeks we will be flying to the beach as we do every year " Dad said not the same old Beach

"But all are friend's go on holidays by themselves that would've been the best present ever" i said as Kiki came in my arms

"Well specking of presents we've got you two a little surprise for you " Mom said surprise i love surprises

"Yeah a little something to get around gardenia " Dad said me and Bloom's faces lite up with Joy

"Really thanks dad " Bloom said as we ran outside we didn't see a scooter but a bike a red one for Bloom and a purple one for me

"Huh?" me and Bloom asked

"Nice huh?" Dad asked

"Oh well...yeah thanks..." i said trying not to sound selfish kiki went in my bascket as Me and Bloom went off

"Ohh he'll never change " Bloom said

"Got that right dad won't let us ride anything faster than a bicycle " i said as i heard a annoying Voice great it's Mitzi

"Hey Bloom! Harmony! Vacation in gardina this year?" Mitzi asked i growled at her

"No actually We will be going away very soon " Bloom said i just glared at her

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