Harmony Tested

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Harmony POV

I was looking in the well of Alfea smiling a little

"Harmony Harmony hello hey what's up" i heard Stella asked i throw my coin into the well and turned around

"What did you wish for?" Stella asked me i smiled

"I can't tell you that" i said as Bloom looked at me

"Does it have brown hair and brown eyes?" Bloom asked me i smiled a little

"From the look on her face I'm betting it does Harmony" Musa said i laughed a little

"Logan wants to go on a walk what do you think it means?" i asked them

"Yo H i don't know what going on a walk with a boy means on earth but in my realm when your crush asks you out we usually call it a date" said Musa Stella looked at me

"Well she can't go he asked her out than 72 hours in advance " said Stella huh?

"He's just being spontaneous Stella" Flora said

"Actually, I have to agree with Stella. Spontaneity is overrated, advanced planning is a sign of respect" Said Tecna oh come on

"And pretending to have a busy social calendar is a sign of self-respect. Besides what kind of cheap date is going on a walk? Plus, walking totally limits one's choice of dating footwear" Stella said i put my fingers in my ears like a little kid

"La La La i can't hear you Stella it doesn't matter i want to hang out with him" i said as the girls laughed at my childness

"Ooh la la looks like our Harmony is going on a date" Bloom said as we laughed i was getting ready for my date i told Kiki to stay here

"Later guy's don't stay up for me " i said as i walked out i was with Logan at red fountain

"You know i really didn't like school last year " Logan said as i looked at him

"What made you changed your mind about it ?" i asked him as he looked at me he brought Lady for a walk to

"Uhh there are better people around this year " Logan said as i smiled a little

"And other stuff too. They started selling glazed doughnuts at breakfast, the glazed ones are the best" Logan said as i laughed

"So how's Alfea?" Logan asked

"It's cool i like it but we have our first midterm tomrrow moring " i said as we continue to walk

"They're no fun " Logan said as Lady came back with a stick i toss early

"Tell me about it " i said

"Hey you'll do fine fetch!" Logan said as Lady ran to get the stick i sighed a bit

"It's a difficult midterm magical reality " i said as i looked at him

"No way heard that story about the girl who disappeared in the chamber wow" Logan said gee thanks alot

"Yeah, I don't think that one's true. But Tecna says your performance on this midterm is an accurate prediction of your long-term success at Alfea!" i said

"I'm sure you will Harmony " Logan said as i smiled a bit

"Thanks i hop so" i said as Logan looked at me

"Come on, I've seen the kind of power you have. It's so awesome! You are totally gonna ace your test" Logan said i smiled a bit

"Power is only part of it and that thing in Magix's might have just been a fluk " i said

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2017 ⏰

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