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Harmony POV

Me and the girls where in Miss Griselda office yay hightlight of my life i was holding Kiki

"Um Miss. Griselda we were wondering if we can get our powers back?" Flora asked her

"Your little field trip to Cloud Tower was unacceptable, not to mention dangerous. You're lucky that you weren't turned into jumping beans and sold to the inter-realm circus. You won't be getting your powers back anytime soon, but that's only the beginning of your punishment" Miss G said wait junping beans exist sweet

"Uh what's the rest?" Flora asked

"You may not leave campus for the next two day's " Miss G said

"We have to veg out all weekend not exactly a punishment Miss G " Stella said i laughed a little

"Stella!" Tecna said Miss G clapped her hands and cleaning supplies came

"There will be NO vegging out. You will clean the entire school from basement to belfry using these cleaning implements. Here you are, Miss Stella you new best friend " Miss. G said as she past Stella a mop Tecna looked at my mop

"What a curious looking remanet of primitive technology" said Tecna as she took out her mini computer

"Perhaps there's an online manual in my" Tecna said as Miss. G took her computer away

"You won't need a manual miss Tecna " Miss. G said

"Oh no Manual?" Tecna asked

"Don't worry Tecna it's not that complicated " Musa said

"Yeah the only manual we'll be using is Manual labor" Flora said

"Exactly if we had a manual for the labor We'd be more efficient and" Tecna said as Me Bloom Flora Musa and Stella brust out Laughing

"What's so funny i was not joking" said Tecna as we kept laughing oh Tecna

"That's enough!" Miss G yelled
We all stop laughing

"Leave no paperweight undusted now get to work!" Miss G yelled me Musa and Stella went to Alfea Lecture hall Bloom Flora and Tecna went to the hallway

"Only ten more lecture halls to go" i said cleaning the staris

" about a little H to the E to the L to the P Stella?" Musa asked Stella

"Totally this is...kinda your fault you know " i said to her

"This is my fault?!" Stella asked as she close her mirror and does her nails

"If you hadn't open your big yap teap " Musa said to Stella

"You both laughed didn't you?" Stella asked i glared at her

"Come on Stel just grab a scrub brush" Musa said

"Blisters are my enemy!" Stella yelled

"Wear gloves!" Musa yelled at her

"Ugh! Gloves with a tanktop?" Stella asked i stood up and walked over to. Water bucket

"Oooh that's a really good point I haven't even thought of that" i said as i put detergent into the water

"Thank you Harmony look getting dirty is simply not in my make up sorry" Stella said i rolled my eye's i grabbed the bucket and laugh a little

"He he he" i said quitly you guess it water fight is about to happen

"You're not the only princess here !" Musa said

"Maybe but on solaria royalty and suds don't-AHH!" Stella said as i throw water on her i smirked

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