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Picture of Jack above

I woke up to my phone saying I got a text.

Unknown = hey wanna hangout today, p.s. it's Jack

Mia = I can't I have to unpack my house, parents already left for their business trip so it's all me

Jack = want any help, I'm bored

Mia = sure why not, my adress is :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, see ya soon

Jack = see ya soon

I put the extra pizza in the fridge and took a quick shower getting dressed.

I put the extra pizza in the fridge and took a quick shower getting dressed

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I went downstairs just in time for there to be a knock on the door.

Me - come in

Jack - hey Mia, nice house

Me - thanks, my dad liked it so we moved here

Jack - what do you have to unpack

Me - everything but my room

Jack - where do we start

Me - living room, one thing I love about being alone is being able to pick where everything goes and what comes in the house

Jack - I'm stuck with three people, mom dad and little sis

Me - I'm an only child, really I've been by myself since I was 10, I had a babysitter till then

Jack - sounds fun but sad at the same time

Me - how

Jack - no parents for show and tell or to draw a picture for and have them put it on the fridge, but you can do as you please

Me - yeah true I guess

We started unpacking and it finally hit nine at night.

Me - all done

He plopped on the couch and I laid down throwing my feet over his lap.

Jack - finally, only took all day

Me - hey if it was just me it would have took two

Jack - true, I should get going, I have to pick up my sister soon

Me - alright, thanks for the help Jack, I'll see you in school

Jack - don't forget to meet me at the pole

Me - I won't

He left and I decided to take a shower and go to bed.

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