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Picture of Jax above

I woke up and shut off my alarm. After taking a shower I got dressed and did my makeup and put my hair up.

I made a smoothie and met with Jack and Blake at the flag pole.

Jax - hey short stuff

Me - go away

Jax - you said next time and there's one tonight, my house 9 o'clock I better see you there

He said leaving to group of people.

Jack - what

Me - I wasn't serious, but I told him last night I would go to the next party I didn't know he would remember

Blake - we should go to piss off little miss wanna be

Me - Tonya

Blake - Mhmm, it will be funny

Jack - it would be a little funny

Me - fine we can go, your both going

Jack - deal, would have went with you anyway

He wrapped his arms on mine and Blake's shoulders and we walked into the school.

Blake - it's funny we're friends now but we never talked to each other before and we have been in the same school since pre-k

Jack - it is a bit weird

Me - I am a match maker, for friends

Jack - haha yeah

He left us and we went to class.

Jax - your coming right

Me - I guess so

Tonya - Jax!!! eww why are you talking to them

jax - shes hot, your not

me - haha

jax - now go away Tonya

She stomped her foot and looked at me.

Tonya - you will pay got this

She said storming out of the room.

Me - someone's skipping

The day was normal till the end. After last period Tonya and a group of girls followed me and Blake outside.

Blake - you have followers

Jack - why the angry girls following you

Me - I don't know but I don't care

Jack - well Jax is by your car waiting

Me - great

I got to my car and Tonya pushed me into it.

Me - all right, what's the deal

I said turning and looking at her.

Jax - cat fight

Tonya punched me and I held my chin.

Me - alright, it's on

I said punching her many times till she fell.

Me - don't try it again, also get out of the way if my car, I will run you over

I said getting in my car. I started it and they all stood in front of it.

Me - their choice

I started to pull forward and bumped them with me car.

Me - move!! I won't ask again

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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