ch 3

10 1 2

I woke up to my alarm going off. School starts today. Fuck. I got up and took a shower. After getting dressed I went down stairs to make a smoothie.

Jack - let me in bitch!!

Me - hold on

I said opening the door. He walked in and plopped on the couch while I was in the kitchen.

Me - want a smoothie

Jack - sure, what kind

Me - my special, it's a secret, you'll love it

I said making it. Blue berries, strawberries, bananas, coconut milk, watermelon, and a little bit of raspberry.

Me - do you like coconut

Jack - yeah

Me - good

I gave him one and we left to go to school. We decided yesterday to just go together instead of meeting up.

We got there and to the office. After we got my schedule Jack had to leave me because his first class wasn't with me.

I made it in and took a seat. The same girl from before at the store just looked at me crossing her arms and tapping her foot.

Me - yes?

Girl - that's my seat

Me - excuse me, are they assigned seats

Girl - nope

Me - see not yours

She stormed to the front and I looked at the other girl.

Me - who is she

Girl - that's Tonya, major drama queen

Me - I can see that haha, I'm Mia

Girl - Teagan Wrivers, but everyone calls me Blake

Me - why Blake

Blake - it's my middle name

Me - I like it, mines rose

Blake - cool, what's your next class

Me - um

I said taking out my schedule.

Me - English

Blake - let me see

She said taking it and looking over it.

Blake - almost all, not 3rd, 7th, and 8th

Me - sweet, does that mean you can show me where they are too

Blake - haha yeah

Guy - hey short stuff

Me - still not short

I said as he sat right next to me making a kid move.

Blake - your so rude Jax

Jax - I don't care, Jacobson, Jax Jacobson

Me - cool

I said looking to Blake.

Me - so how old are you

Blake - 18, you

Me - 16

Blake - wait, your 16 and a senior

Me - haha yeah I skipped tenth

Blake - sick

Me - yeah

Jax - so what's your name

Me - Mia

Jax - well Mia, you should sit with me at lunch

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