Chapter 1

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*Previously on You Break Me*

I felt a cloth come over my mouth and it was drenched in something as my back laid against a built body. I breathed in the chemicals and regretted it seconds later. Before my vision gave out completely, I heard a deep voice.

"You naive child..." the voice said just beofre I blacked out...


'Huh? W-where am I?" I thought as I tried to expand my libs. But it seemed like I was in a box since I was allowed to extend my libs to a certain length. Instantly, I went into panic mode.

"HELP!! HELP!!!" I cried out, but nothing. Obviously. Then, I heard two voices from the outside.

"I did what you wanted me to. Now pay up." A deep voice, that probably belongs to a male, said.

"Here. Now scram." A different male voice was heard. Then, footsteps, which may ment that the first male left. The other male went around the box, and it sounded like a car door opening. The car engine truned on. Oh no. Like I've seen in all movies, I'm probably in a car, maybe going to Russia. I sighed, seeing as this is probably the end of me. I didn't get to do everything I wanted to do before I died; like get married, have children, meet Gordan Ramsey and have him insult me. I sighed and went back to my heavy sleep.


I woke up once again, but this time, I wasn't in a box. Matter of fact, I was in some sort a room, which was extremely dark and my only source of light was a small window that had bars on it. I tried to move my body, but the realized that my hands were chained above my head, and, I was nude. The cold air flowing over my body which caused goosebumps all over my skin.

'Seeing that you are probably in the middle of nowhere and your kidnapper is in the other room, I suggest that you not yell.' My consciousness told me.

"Yeah, no shit, dumbass." I huffed. Then, the only door in this room opened up, revealing a dark and tall figure. They closed the door behind them and came closer to my bodie.

"My, my. You have such nice petite body." They said, reaching over to touch my boob. I moved my body so that his hand, which I don't know where it has been, can not touch my body.

"Aw, come on. Don't be afraid." They said, trying to touch my body again. I used my leg to kick their hand away from me. Then, a stinging sensation filled my thigh that was facing outwards.

"Stubborn brat, I just want to see," They took ahold of my leg and moved my body so that I was facing them. They then spread opened my legs.

"What you've got in store." One of his hands started to slide down my leg, almost reaching my core.

"Stop it!" I yelled and kicked them then crossed my legs. They huffed before spiting on me and leaving the room, closing the door behind them. I held in my tears as I processed what the hell just happened. I was kidnapped by some dude and then touched by them. Only God knows who bad this could become. I then pulled my legs closer to my bodie and quietly cried.

*Tasha's P.O.V*

I yawned as I got out of bed and put on a pair of pants and grabbed my car keys, getting ready to help (Y/N) in what ever trouble she was in. I just hope she didn't get into some sort of fight with Mark. Once I arrived to her house, I went up to her door, knocked, but no one answered. There was also some of (Y/N)'s clothes on the ground. 'Hmm...' But then, the door was opened. So, I went in a looked around the house. It seemed like normal, peace and quite throughout the house, but it was too quite.

"(Y/N)?" I called out. No reply. I went into the kitchen to see a note on the island; all in (Y/N)'s handwriting. Beside the note is what I can assume was a copy of the house key.


Until you clean up your act, you can call me. Up till then, don't even think of contacting me." I read out loud, which only made me more suspicious that the couple got into a fight.

"(Y/N)." I called out once more, venturing more into the house. I went up the stairs to hear gaming music. I opened the first door, which was (Y/N) and Mark's room and it was a mess. And some of (Y/N)'s stuff was missing. I went over to the next room, but on the door said "recording..." Disregarding the sign, I went stating into the room to find Mark sleeping on a computer desk. I went up to him and laid a nice slap on his head, making him wake up instantly.

"Where is (Y/N)?" I asked.

"Huh?" He looked more than confused.

"Did I studder? Where's (Y/N)?" I repeated.

"I-I don't know. Why are you here? How did you get in?"

"Doesn't matter. I just need to know where the hell (Y/N) is." I said.

"I told you I don't know. We had a fight and then she felt the house with her clothes. Other than that, I don't know where she is." He said while rubbing the back of his head.

"So, you didn't read this?" I handed him the note.

"No...." He repiled, reading over the note.

"And she left her keys here too." I said.

"I told you, I don't know anything about (Y/N) after she left that door." I then placed another nice slap on the top of his head.

"So you're saying you don't know where the hell your girlfriend is? You don't know if she got kidnapped? Well, it doesn't seem you care even." I kissed my teeth and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Who are you, my mother?" I slapped him again.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" My black instincts kicked in.

"You. Am I talking to the wall?" I slapped him again.

"Say that type of shit again and I'll smack the fuck outta you." I said. "Please, tell me you have some clue on her disappearance."

"I don't." He repiled with a tone saying he couldn't care less.

"Boy, literally anything could be happening to (Y/N) and you sound like you don't give a shit. Do you know what trouble she been through?" I grabbed the collar of his droll infested shirt. "The shit she went though and now that she's here, now that she's at the top, you don't want to care for her anymore?"

"Woah, I didn't not say anything like that." He said.

"Yeah, but the tone in your voice and your actions did." I sighed and let go of his shirt. He sat back down on his chair.

"Fine. I'll look for (Y/N), eirther with our without your help." I said and left the room, slamming the door behind me. I went back to my place, making up a plan on how I could find my bestfriend. But first, tea because it's 2 in the morning.

(AN: HELLO, HELLO, AND HELLO!! WELCOME TO THE SEQUAL OF THE ORIGINAL SHITTY BOOK 'YOU BREAK ME'!! Yes, your prayer have finally been answered and the squeal that you've been waiting for for like half a year is finally here. Originally, I was going to do a different Jacksepticeye x reader, but since the sequal for this and Poison were two book the audience was waiting for, I'm giving the people what they want and leaving that other book until later. But for now, enjoy this book. And, I should have put a disclaimer beofre the chapter started. Oh well. But ANYWAYS

Thanks for reading,

And I'll see you,

In the next chapter.



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