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{Not edited.}

|Bad language, slightly angsty, Dadvid|

"David!" Nikki shouted in the middle of the night. She was in her pjs, her hair was messier than usual but her face was serious. She ran up to his cabin (or tent I'm not sure where he sleeps) and opened the door. "David!"

The previously sleeping man sat up, "what! Yes Nikki what is it?" He asked, rubbing his tired eyes.

"I don't know, something's up with Max!" She shouted, dancing around out of impatience. With that, David stood up. He quickly asked her what she meant.

"I-i mean, he's shouting- and stuff-" she tried to explain but her vocabulary was limited. David put of a jacket quickly and some slippers and ran out, following Nikki (who was darn quick).

Max's tent's door was open, obviously from where someone had entered it. David stepped in quickly, hearing yelling and little screams. And there Max was, still in his hoodie and jeans, asleep and dreaming.

Could you even call it 'dream'ing. It's more like 'nightmare'ing. David thought less about it and focused at the situation at hand, "Max." He said calmly, crouching beside his bed.

"N-no... p-please..." he mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows. He looked scared. No. Petrified. He was shaking, muttering lots of 'no's and 'please's. David shook his shoulders lightly, "hey, Max, wake up kiddo."

Max then sat up, panting. He didn't seem to notice that David and Nikki was in his tent because he started to cry. Actual tears streamed down his face, "it was just a dream." He whispered quietly. He turned around and almost died as he saw David looking at him with concern.

  "Why the f*ck are you in my tent?" He asked, sounding hurt and yet terrified. He pulled the covers up his body to be more warm.

"You... you were screaming." David said, worry plastered on his face. Max's eyes widened for a second before it returned to his normal look, "f*ck off."

He lied down, pulling the covers over his head. He was shaking slightly.

"Do you want to talk about-" The counsellor was cut off as Max flipped him off. Nikki walked over to him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder despite him being under a blanket, "Max... you can talk about it."

  "Go away and let me sleep."


The next morning, Max was back to normal. He was frowning, glaring daggers at anyone that went near. It seemed his aura was 'death death death death'. Neil and Nikki were the only ones to approach him.

David was eating breakfast when he saw a tired looking Max enter. A few people looked to see who walked through the door but most weren't interested. He sat down, picking at his food that didn't look appetising.

Gwen sighed, "what's up with the little sh*t today?" She asked. Though it might of not sounded like she cared, she did. She furrowed her eyebrows, studying Max who was deep in thought.

"He had a really bad nightmare yesterday. He was shouting and screaming." David replied sadly. His mood was down, knowing Max wouldn't open up. The dark skinned girl sighed, placing a hand on his shoulder, "he'll get better, David." She mumbled while shoving her food in her mouth.

When David turned his attention the the afro kid, he wasn't there anymore. He felt himself frown however, he turned away to his food. Max was sat right next to him making him yelp, "oh dang, don't do that." He said, breathing in and out.

"Tell anyone about yesterday and I will tie you to a poll, gut you and make you wish you were dead then I'll start to shave of your hair violently so you get cuts on your head then I'll make you drink your own blood then I'll kill you while watching the camp burn." Max said causally, drawing circles on the table with his finger.

"Ok." David said nervously.


"He's getting worse." Nikki muttered to Gwen, who wasn't interested and was reading a magazine.

"Uh-huh, how so." She said, not listening.

"I mean, he's not talking to me and Neil and he doesn't come outa his tent until David has enough. He's more distant," she paused, "are you even listening?"

"Nope." Gwen said, bored. She settles down her magazine, "I think he's just going through a rough time r-"

  "Then help us help him!" Nikki shouted, annoyed that she wasn't helping. Gwen frowned, "I don't know how."

"Ugh!" Nikki groaned and left, slamming the door shut.


  "David." A small voice said, startling him out of his thoughts. The said man turns around to see an exhausted Max.

  "Max!" He smiled. It was a genuine smile. (I will fight you for this smile ('̀-'́) ). No one was around.

David sat down on the porch, gesturing Max do the same. Which he compiled, sitting miserably.

That sat in silence.

  "I'm sorry for being a d*ck." The small boy apologised, growing even bigger than usual. David was taken aback by this and hesitantly put an arm around him. Max tensed up but allowed it.

  "It's ok, Max. I'm sure you're going through a rough time right now. We all do. You'll figure it out, one way or another. It'll end up find." David looked down at him, smiling.

Max realised this was his father figure and almost broke down. He kept himself together though, "t-thanks..." his voice was cracking and quiet.

David just hummed. Both of them stares at the tree line, enjoying each other's company. They were quiet. It was nice.

  After a while, it started to get dark and at this, so did Max's vision. He mumbled something quietly before falling asleep- leaning against David.

David picked him up quietly, not wanting to disturb his sleep.

As he placed him on his bed, Max opened his eyes wearily, "good night, dad."

David turned around and smiled a little, feeling his chest ache.

  "Good night, Max."

|Please request. Any ship apart from David X campers|

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