Reversed AU

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Reversed Au. Like Nikki has Neil's personality and Max has David's blah blah blah. Why has this book have 200 views?

Also this isn't Max X David, it's just Max being a caring kid.

Max was the first to wake up. As usual. He grinned as he sat up, "today is going to be a great day!" He said to himself. He quickly got into his normal clothes. A shirt that had a tree on it and some battered jeans. He attempted to comb his crazy hair but gave up after realising it was untameable.

He strolled out side, looking happy as usual. Who was up next was Neil. He ran out side shouting, "NATURE!" As loud as possible then continued to go beat up some poor animal or something.

After an hour, everyone was up, playing with magic or bullying each other. Max was excited. When was he not? David stumbled in to the cafeteria, looking bored and tired. At this Max knew it was going to be a normal day.

The happy kid ran up to the counsellor, hugging them, "good morning!"

  "F*ck off-" David groaned, "get off. I swear I'll-" he was cut off by the puppy eyes that Max was giving him. He sighed and patted his head unwillingly.

  "Can you get off now?" David complained.

"No!" Max said lovingly while looking at him with a pout. David growled lowly and continued to walk over to his table, sitting down with the tiny ten year old still clinging to his leg. He quickly ate some waffles and felt Max's grip loosen- which he almost smiled at.

The dark skinned boy then proceeded to sit next to the grumpy older man and ask, "what are we doing today?"

  "I don't know and I don't care. Ask someone that cares."

  "But... Gwen is gambling again," he paused, "and mr Campbell is reading magazines. They're both terrifying to approach."

  "And I'm not?" David growled lowly.

  "No! 'Cause I love you and I just know you've probably just going through a rough time." Max said while smiling at him.

David's eyes widened hearing the genuine sentence leave his lips. Max... loved him? There was so much care in that small boy he could barely contain it.

  "Oh... thanks? I guess."

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