Chapter 4

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The alleyways reeked of danger but Shiro didn't seem to mind. He had a Katana strapped to his back something I never noticed before. My thoughts faded away as we approached the exit. 

It was still sunny even after probably a couple of hours. Or maybe that was just a distortion of time based off of how tired I am. I think I might be smart now or maybe what? I don't even... I decided to stop thinking and continue on outside the city. Shiro led the way to a forest where we got sticks that we managed back to the place only with the help of Shiro's Pokemon. 

We managed to create a makeshift room out of the logs ans sticks before the sun went down. Now we had to look for food. Something the two of us had been dreading.

"So food." I whispered barely audible but Shiro heard me. 

"I'm going to work, you should come too." Shiro pronounced. I just nodded and followed him once more through the dark alleyways.

This time we had not come to a beautiful forest, instead a scary bog sort of place. I guess it was also a forest but it didn't really fell like one.

Shinto led me to a huge swamp. Usually I'm not one to complain about traveling conditions but this was ridiculous.

"Um, Shiro?"


"This is my only dress."

"Oh, well you could just change into pants afterwards right?"

"No, I mean these are my only clothes. And shoes."

Shiro paused for a moment. Took a few things into consideration.

"You could jump from log to log! Wait, no that would be way too dangerous. Hmm. This is tricky isn't it?"  after awhile I just figured out a way without him noticing.

I took off my shoes holding them in my hand, I held my dress higher above the murky water and continued to walk. It took a while for Shiro to notice. More like I said "Are you coming?" Then he noticed and hurried to catch up. We wandered for awhile even though Shiro looked like he knew what he was doing, it still felt like wandering.

"Halt!" I whipped my head in the direction of the sudden voice.

"Battle me!" Shiro looked ready, about to say something when the man, a Poke-Ranger grabbed my arm and pulled me into a battle. Still clinging onto the hem of my dress and my shoes, I was dragged into what Shiro probably called work.

"Go Sliggoo!" The man shouted sending out a Pokemon. It kind of looked like the Pokemon Shiro had showed me earlier. Goomy I belived.

I was about to use Fennekin, but out of nowhere jumped a small pink kitty pokemon quickly I grabbed my Pokedex and scanned it. 

"Skitty the kitten pokemon. It can't stop itself from chasing moving things, and it runs in a circle, chasing its own tail." the pokemon was cute. But I happier about the fact that it stopped my battle.

"What the heck?" the battle dispersed and the guy I battled disappeared.

"Hello." I bent down to the tiny pokemon, Skitty I think its name was. 

"Wanna come with me?" I asked stroking its head.

"Nya!" it sounded positive and I was going to catch it anyways. So I tapped the pokeball to its head and watched as it shook back and forth. Finally it stopped and made a pinging noise. 

"Whoa. You caught your first pokemon?!" Shiro appeared beside me staring at the silent pokeball.

We stood there for a long time as I clutched the pokeball and the sun set.

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