Into the Woods

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I feel my eyes light up as the breeze blows through my hair, I run through the autumn setting. Twigs crack beneath my feet and there is so much colour and life.

As I approach the house; I see how scary and large it actually is. I've only every seen pictures. A fence runs around the whole forest, were not supposed to come in here, but I have nothing better to do and it's here.
I can't believe they shut off the woods claiming it's dangerous. We've lost so much culture in our town over the years and now kids can't even play in the local forest.

I push open the gate, it creaks worse than our front door at home.
There is a sense of eeriness in the air whilst I walk up the path towards the abandoned building.
My shaking hand presses against the front door and it immediately swings open.
Ok, weird.

"Hello?" I whisper, repeating the word three times until I decide there's definitely no one here.
I immediately head for Amy's room because that's why I'm here.
The wooden stairs creak and squeak.

In her bedroom, there's an obvious colour scheme.
The bedding is blue, the walls are blue and the decoration is blue.
I tiptoe over to the bedside table where there is a small tin.
'Police Public Call Box." It reads.
Strange. I thought they got rid of those things ages ago. Maybe not.
A shoebox in the corner catches my attention and I gingerly lift the lid off.
There's a book.
amelia pond.
I open the book and begin to read the first page.
Dear Diary.
Today it happened.
A man fell down from the sky in a blue box, and I call him raggedy man. Apparently he travels through space and time and his name is the Doctor.
I flick through the rest of the diary and realise how Amy went missing. I realise why the Doctor meant so much to her. She was like me, a girl bored in a small village.
She wanted adventure, something exciting.
She found it in a mystery man who wears a bow tie and travels through time.
She travelled with him. Apparently he's 1000 years old but he looks about 28. He's married to Amy's daughter who is also kind of a time lord.
Wait - what? It's so much to understand, was this girl mad and making up mind games to entertain herself?
I take the shoe box and run out the house. I need to go to Agatha right now and ask her what she knows about this.

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