Basically the title
Message me an imagine of the character of your choice.
Prefrences for the hobbit will include
The Oakenshields, Legolas, Thrandy, Lindir and other people at your request
Prefrences for the LOTR i...
For Eunice199701 This is How he Proves his love to you preference based off the song That's how you know from the movie Enchanted I decided I would use multiple characters for a particular song lyric. SO means Significant other... but y'all aren't together yet.. 😂😂
Your SO was at the prancing pony on some business with Gandalf. As he was waiting he was sipping on his pint. As he finished he gave a long sigh.
"What's the matter?" The bartender asked "you look quite down."
"It's kind of complicated." They admitted as the bartender grinned getting out another pint for the man.
"Lady troubles eh?" He grinned "what seems to be the problem?"
"I've liked this girl Y/N for quite a long time... but I'm not sure if she knows that i exist... " your SO finished.
"Well does she know?" The bartender raised an eyebrow. "Because if she would have gotten an answer by now."
"Does she know what?" Your SO asked confused.
The bartender threw his hands up in the air "How much you love her! If you think she doesn't know you exist, it's probably because you haven't clearly shown interest in her obviously."
"How do you suggest I prove my love?"
Cue the bartender and the whole building breaking out into song above."
After that evening he went and planned to make sure that you knew that he loved you.
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Well does he leave a little note to tell you that you are on his mind?
Your SO spent a few hours coming up of what to say through poetry. He knocked on your door the next day and handed you his work. He stood nervously as he waited to hear what you have to say.. would it be acceptance or rejection? You ended up gasping with delight and happily agreeing to be their consort.
Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey?
Bilbo/Bard/Faramir/Merry: On their way home, they found the most beautiful sun flower they had seen and spontaneously decided that they were going to announce their love to you that day. No tomorrow, not the next day, today. They confidently walked to your door and knocked happily. You answered with a beaming smile and your smiled bigger as your SO began to tell you how he fell in love with you, causing your heart to overflow. It was simply perfect.
Well does he take you dancing so that he can hold you close?
Legolas/ Thranduil/Fili :
Your SO decided to throw a ball secretly in your honor. There you were, dressed in your best dress, and simply perfect to your SO's eyes. With confident strides, he asked you to dance, where you spent the whole evening in his arms. As the night came to a close. He told you how much he was in love with you, causing you to grin from ear to ear at what he had planned to tell you so.
Plan a picnic by the fires glow ooh!
Sam/Gimli: What better way to express his love for you than by packing every type of food you love for a romantic dinner by the fire? I mean, they say a way to man's heart is through his stomach so why can't it be the same for girls? He showed at your doorstep with a huge basket of food and you were instantly hooked. You quickly invited him in as you enjoyed a nice meal together by the fire, and afterward spent time cuddling.
Dedicate a song with words just for you oooh!
That next night, your SO figured out you were going to a bar in town with your friends for a Friday night. He decided that it wouldn't hurt to get one drink to get out the nervousness out of his system. After he drank a small amount, he clanked his glass with his spoon as the whole turned to him, ready to give his full attention. He sung the song leaving you in a blushing and giggling mess. He then confidently walked to you, but stopping a few feet away from you to give you some space. You couldn't help it, you ran to your SO and kissed him passionately, having him grin into the kiss. Afterwards the public demanded that you sing and dance to the song together, by halfway through the song, everyone was dancing (Song is Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond. My favorite right now)