You shouted for the rest of the people in lake town to get into the fortress, for the dragon would be out soon enough. You ushered Legolas and Bare inside, but they looked at the two of you quizzically.
"What about you?" Bard asked. "We can't leave you out here to die."
"It's long story, but I have a job to do." You smiled.
"I have to lead my people to safety, but I wish you the best of luck." Bard smiled while giving you a hug. "It was fun being your consort and all." He joked.
"I'm staying with you." Legolas said while giving your hand a comforting squeeze. "Until the end."
You turned and faced Bard to give him one last smile. Many of the people had no light, so you flicked your wrist, and all of their lanterns and torches were lit. Bard gave a grateful smile, and locked the heavy doors.
"That was nice of you." Legolas smiled.
Both of you saw the dragon fly into the air with gold flecks looking like small golden stars.
"What's the plan Y/N?" Legolas spoke. "You do have a plan right?"
"The plan is to lure him towards the large bow tower. " you said without blinking an eye.
The dragon swooped down, and blew fire onto many houses. The two of you began to run as fast as you could towards the tower. With every step, Smaug would try and kill you with his fire. Legolas looked at you with amazement as the fire was deflected with a flick of your wrist. The more you defended yourself, the more frustrated Smaug was that you couldn't be killed. Finally, you were a few feet away when the dragon landed in front of you.
"Who are you?" He asked in a deep voice. "How on earth can you defend yourself against my fire?"
"I am Y/N. Princess of Imladris, I am half witch and half elf."
"A rare breed indeed. And what is around your neck? It is full of dark magic, and I can practically taste the gold."
"Well... that's really not any of your concern." You joked. "It's nothing you would want I assure you."
At this point, Legolas had made it to the top of the Bell tower, and he was waiting for you to join. He had a worried look on his face, as he feared for your life.
"Oh I am quite certain that I would want the ring." He responded with a grin.
"How about a wager?" You asked, causing Legolas to shake his head in disagreement. "If I kill you, I win. If you kill me, you get the ring, and the rest of Laketown."
"Or I could just take it from you!" Smaug roared and lunged for you. You quickly threw fire in his direction, and caused a slight swelling of his injured area. While he was recovering from the attack, you leaped into the tower.
"What are you doing?" Legolas yelled. "You will get us both killed!"
"Trust me,"you responded. Legolas noticed you unpacking an item and his eyes widened with surprise.
"You can't be serious."
"I'm deadly serious." You grinned. "Now hold still."
"Ha! So you think you can defeat me! You are very wrong. I haven't been attacked with any sort of weapon in many years. What makes you think you are going to stop me?" He sneered as he crawled forward amidst the fire.
"Stay still." You said to Legolas as you drew the arrow backwards.
Legolas could only look at you. He admired the fact that you were so courageous, so willing to help others, even if it cost your life or your heart. He felt the fast wind near his ear as the arrow shot forward and pierced Smaug's wound.
Smaug let out a painful cry, and rose high in the air until he fell into the deep lake where he would lie for many years.
"WE DID IT!" The two of you screamed, and embraced each other tightly.
However, the joy was short lived when you saw another figure flying in the sky.
"What is that?"
Faye lowered herself to the ground with two eagles. A bright smile crossed your features, and you ran to hug her.
A small smile crossed Faye's face as she hugged her dear friend. After the short embrace. Faye introduced herself to Legolas.
"There isn't much time. The sun will rise in a few hours and Azog must be dead by then." She responded. "It's time to fufill the other half of your job."
You nodded in agreement, but Legolas grabbed your arm. "What does that mean?"
"I'm in charge of saving Middle Earth from its demise." You responded hoarsely. "Sauron is predicted to come back, and he would destroy middle earth if he did."
"You don't have to do this alone." Legolas responded. "We can figure something out."
You placed a hand on his shoulder with a wistful smile. "No my dear friend. It has to be me."
Legolas embraced you tightly, and you felt the tears drop onto your shirt.
"Do not weep, for all tears are not an evil." You said softly before getting on the eagle.
"Will I see you again?" He asked hopefully
You smiled. "Legolas, even the wise cannot see all ends."
With those last words, your eagle flew into the air towards Mordor. There was a screech, and Azog was right behind you on his own feral bird. You felt the ring give a slight burning sensation, and you commanded the eagle to fly faster.
Over the journey, Azog would try and shoot some sort of weapon, but you were able to deflect them easily. You turned the opposite direction of Azog and saw the volcano in Mordor. The eagle dropped you at the entrance, and you quickly ran inside.
Not so fast, she elf. Azog jumped in front of you.
"Really, do we have to do this? It's really not necessary,"
Give me the ring, and maybe I'll show you mercy when you die."He grinned.
"See, I can't really do that." You joked. "I have this glorious destiny that I'm supposed to save Middle Earth."
Azog lunged at you with his metallic hand, and you quickly rolled underneath him and made a cut on his knee. You were so close to the edge, but the ground beneath you decided to crumble leaving you just enough to stand on. The burning sensation grew with the ring on your neck, so you took it off.
Give me the ring.Azog commanded while lunging to try and kill you.
The battle between the two of you was dangerously deadly. Azog had finally landed you on your back, and the chain that had the ring was dangling close to the edge. Quickly, you burned Azog's chest once more and leaped over him so that he was on the smaller piece of land.
"If you want it, I guess you'll have to fetch it." You said with a grin. Azog growled with anger and began to charge towards you. Quickly, you threw the ring as hard as you could, and it soared closer towards the lava. Azog rushed as fast as he could towards the edge, but it was too late, the ring had sunken into the lava, and you were making a break for your exit ticket out of Mordor. Enraged, he sprinted towards you, and stretched out his arm to grab you. Fortunately, you were able to fly away unscathed.
Azog quickly mounted his ride, and followed you. You felt another sharp searing pain, but it was the most painful you had ever felt. It was then that you realized you didn't have much time as you flew to Dale.

FanfictionPHOTO COVER TO @WITCHDOCTOR21 Basically the title Message me an imagine of the character of your choice. Prefrences for the hobbit will include The Oakenshields, Legolas, Thrandy, Lindir and other people at your request Prefrences for the LOTR i...