A girl from another realm 2

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You tried to scream, but as soon as you slightly opened your mouth, water seeped into it. Finally, the swirling current stopped, and you were able to breath. After you finished coughing, you looked up to see pure green hills, and little people strolling with their food baskets merrily.

"Holy crap I'm in the Shire." You muttered, still in the lake. When you finally dried off, you checked to see what Faye had indeed packed in your bag. It was as expected; clothes, weapons, food,  your journal, and a few things here and there. At this point, the sun had set, and it was getting dark. You smiled as you saw Balin, and Dwalin approach the house, and you immediately thought to the movie. Giggles escaped your mouth as you saw the poor hobbit look flabbergasted at his new guests. Soon, all the dwarves and Gandalf had arrived, which meant that you had to make your grand entrance.

You approached the door, and gave two knocks. The door was quickly opened by a man who you presumed to be Ori.

"Hello Miss, Can I help you?" He asked shyly.

"Yes I'm looking for Gandalf the Grey." You remarked with a smile. "Is he here?"

"I am indeed.....Are you at the right house lass?" He asked with confusion.

"I have a message for you, from your apprentice." You spoke discreetly,

"Gandalf has an apprentice?" Nori asked

"Who knew he had one." Bofur remarked.

Gandalf quickly stood up and turned to the group. "I will only be a minute, besides, Thorin isn't here yet."

The two of you quickly left outside, and went around the corner to the back of the house.

"Well, what is it?" He asked. "What does Faye have for me?"

"Faye says she's found it. Whatever that means..." You trailed off

"You're her aren't you? She sent you to help Middle Earth."


"Well, welcome to the company of Thorin Oakenshield. We will definitely need you."

"Will the others mind? I don't want to intrude..."

"Probably, but the dwarves will have to get over it." He remarked. "Let's get inside."

When the two of you entered, the company stared at Gandalf expectantly.

"She is coming with us." He stated before sitting down. "She will be an asset to us."

"Who even are you?" Dwalin spoke coldly. "What's an elf doing in our company?"

You opened your mouth to protest, but you caught sight of a mirror hanging and saw your features for the first time. You had pointy ears, and a smooth complexion with H/C and E/C

"It doesn't matter if she's an elf. She's quite intelligent." Gandalf remarked, causing Dwalin to growl in disbelief. You looked down and suddenly found your shoes to be very interesting. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a brown haired dwarf give you a small smile before turning his attention to the wizard.

"Can you even fight lassie?" Balin asked. You nodded and showed your bow and arrow. You unsheathes your sword, and the blonde dwarf stood up, as if offering to help demonstrate.

"Fili, at your service." He smiled before unsheathing his sword as well.

The rest of the dwarves watched in amazement as you fought effortlessly, and finally had the Durin prince unarmed.

"Any questions?"

"Who are you?" A small voice asked, putting a smile on your face."

"Y/N, nice to meet you."

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