Chapter 20: Courtney's Start

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A/N - alright this will be a long one but I own nothing but the story, my OC's Troy and Violet the OC James belongs to not me and the picture was done by not me other than that enjoy.

Your POV

*You, James, and Courtney landed in Petalburg city and walk to the route to the route after Courtney had already put away all but her Ninetails in the PC before you all went to Route 102 as James stayed behind for reasons of that he didn't say you two didn't ask because you didn't think it was important to know unless he was doing something dangerous but it's hard to say but you both are looking through Route 102 for another pokemon for Courtney looking around as something catches your attention a blue pokemon that seems to be trying to hide from your all's sight until you grab Courtney's attention and gesture to the tree it hid behind and she nods before going to the area it's at as you watch over cautious of anything else going on around you both but she bends down and seems to be talking to the scared pokemon with a kind smile which causes you to smile slightly from her changes for the better as the pokemon seems to put its self in the poke ball and it dings as she runs to you with a wide smile* Courtney "I caught a Marill she is a timid little cutie as well!" *you let a singular chuckle escape and pat Courtney's head with a kind smile and you let Gardevoir out considering she is the nicest of your pokemon to the others as she comes out shining slightly* Gardevoir "Gardevoir~" *you rub her head and she smiles happily and let's the Marill out and the Marill instantly hides scared behind Courtney and is staring scared of you and scared slightly of Gardevoir until she seems to be gently talking to the Marill for a bit until she eventually approaches you as you gently sit infront of her and pull out a few assorted berry types for her to choose from she seems to go mostly for spicy and tart berries so you note it for the future and gently rub the Marill's head until you know Gardevoir wants some as well and you gently rub her head as well pleasing her until you stand up and the Marill just goes to Courtney and starts hugging her leg until she picks her up and starts to carry her for safety reasons as you return Gardevoir knowing she would be severally sought after for being shiny but you want give her up for any thing as you two start walking back to the city to start training her Marill soon in pokemon battles as you get James who seems to be sing some country song again but you've learned to tune it out pretty much not really caring but you do walk with them to the forest to start training the Marill with Courtney and James and get to the area and you all three stop* You "alright Courtney Marill let's get this training started were going to be here until she's at minimal level 15."

Troy's POV

*They finally stopped the machines my screams of agony having stopped hours ago as I'm looking at the scientist as the doors opens letting in two people I have been searching for a decade at minimum and I glare at them silently as I'm now 50% Gallade and it hurts like hell but it was easier for them to turn me since I already proved I could survive the DNA change as one of them is smiling insanely at me as the other one is stoic of any emotion at all and I stay silent* Troy "....." Universes "So young Troy thought he would be free? don't make us laugh you will never be free especially since you were such a success in this area of research as the only one to be able to stay awake in the 72 hour research process and look here your now 50% pokemon meaning you are possible to catch and give commands too and you'll have to listen so what now Troy The Wander oh wait excuse me Troy The Gallade who will now work for Team Cosmos and you will never be free you were made with a strong willed pokemon to make it all the more entertaining to break you into nothing so what do you have to say Troy?" *instead of talking my reaction is to spit in there face as the one who was spit on gets fed up with me and grabs a metal pipe and begins to beat the ever living shit out of me but I don't even react as I am timing there swings not bleeding yet but right before they can strike me again I stop it with psychic and toss that one across the room slamming that one into a wall it won't do much damage to them but it tells them that if they keep it up I won't hesitate to strike back even if I'm trapped at the moment and they get the message and leave as I go back to focusing on my bonds from the inside breaking them quickly now since I have more Psychic powers then before until there now a single attack away from breaking as they let in a odd group or the Named Stars

Abandoned Hated Male Reader X  Courtney PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now