Chapter 21:Troy's Agony

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A/N - well here is chapter 21 for this story any way I own nothing but the story, the oc Troy, the oc Violet and the team cosmos and the oc James belongs to Mooman121 not me anyway hope you enjoy.

Courtney's current team:

Ninetails: Lvl 36 Hp 106 Atk 63 Def 64 Sp.A 80 Sp.D 109 Spd 110 Modest

Marill: Lvl 20 Hp 60 Atk 15 Def 30 Sp.A 17 Sp.D 28 Spd 26 Timid

Shroomish: Lvl 20 Hp 58 Atk 27 Def 31 Sp.A 24 Sp.D 31 Spd 25 Bashful

Your POV

*you were walking with James and Courtney heading to the next place for her next badge having helped her train her Marill to level twenty and her Shroomish to lvl 20 so we could ride on Wailmer to get to the island with Brawley while chatting with Courtney and James* You "so tell me James why do you only have one pokemon?"

James " Actually it's been difficult to find another pokemon that he gets along with he's very picky at partners for me and him"

Courtney "You're kidding right?"

James "nope not at all like Troy he is very protective of me I kinda see Troy as a older brother figure as does Charizard because whenever he's here with us everything seems calmer to all of us and for some reason the guy is very peaceful until angered then he could be dangerous but its not very often that happens"

You "I have a question when it comes to pokemon and Troy it seems like your more relaxed while talking about them but yourself you seem nervous about something why is that?"

James "who wouldn't be nervous talking about themselves?"

Courtney "fairpoint" *I nod in agreement feeling slightly off by a presence and not knowing what it is that is causing the issue and it doesn't go unnoticed by Courtney but she doesn't say anything for now and I ignore it for the moment of time*

Violet's POV

*I was training with my team having gotten the word that Troy had broken Out spread fast like news of a war in the brewing and it really seems to be brewing based off what's happened when he returned for a rest stop*

~Flashback Violet's POV~

*I was in the middle of training Empoleon as I heard the sound of pans being dropped in dad's kitchen so I rush into the kitchen seeing something shocking Troy and he was bandanging himself with potion infused bandages usually used on pokemon and is skin was green and slightly pointed in some parts and he had A Gallade fin in his chest but it seemed attached to him and he looked at me wide seemingly shocked as he tried to stop before he flinched grabbing his side that seemed to bleeding as he cried out in pain and it sounded like a Gallade and human in pain at the same time and it stopped me cold in my tracks as his Gardevoir appeared almost instantly near him ready to kill in a moment's notice and I could tell it was to kill simply by her eyes had a purple glow instead of just being her normal red eyes and I heard Troy speak very silently that it made it hard to decipher* Troy "-t h- fa- so-on- ls-" *apparently whatever he said stopped her as she went to him and started treating his wounds wrapping them and finishing it quickly as he nodded to me and started to leave so I tried to stop him but something in me told me to not tr and do so and Empoleon tried to stop him with a hydro pump and instead of dodging he redirected it and was pretty much right in front of the Empoleon barely avoiding his hit the cracked the ground and it showed to not get near him as he stood up and vanished with Gardevoir*

~Flashback over still Violets POV~

*I started thinking* he seemed broken more than normal as well and instead of helping I got scared of him and didn't have the chance to talk to him and then there was his Gardevoir..... She seemed as if she was protecting him from anything and everything as if she didn't trust anyone to even breathe in his direction and then Empoleon attacked him and then nearly got knocked out it would have been from an attack instead of anything else it was as if he was attacking a pokemon and not a human and he attacked like a feral Pokemon and considering the way he looked it wouldn't be impossible to do so and how he reacted to the attack it was as if he was aiming to kill but stopped himself and just vanished and seemed untraceable and so I decided to get stronger before searching for him again *as I looked to the sky* Violet "Troy I'll be searching for you."

Darkrai's POV

*I was looking at Troy's presence and he was panting in an uncharted forest between Kanto and Johto as I was looking at the sky positive I was alone as I appeared and backed away instantly in shock of what I was seeing because it wasn't his old aura he felt or saw beforehand he felt an aura of a broken human healing slowly with a shattered distant pokemon soul but now it showed an entirely new story it was as if he was looking at a being that shouldn't exist it looked as if parts of Troy were torn off and sewn into the spot was a Gallade and it was like that in several areas and it was sickeningly done because it looked like the other was trying to rip the other away and just seeing it and feeling it wasn't pleasant and just knowing that he more than likely isn't able to rest anymore he's more than likely in too much pain and considering how he is it hurts knowing that nothing anyone can do could ease his pain and agony and it seems like there is way too much of it he's suffered to be considered broken anymore he's shattered beyond anyone normal for repairing him anymore he seems beyond normal peoples control and help it's as if he was beyond ready to die now as he looked at me nervously so I spoke* Darkrai "Troy?" *he nods and is looking at me unsure of how to react to anyone at all and it made me slightly saddened such a strong willed man to be this broken at all* Darkrai "What happened to you?"

Troy ".....Hell....."

A/N - and done this took a while anyway I'm going to tr doing a few more story updates this month but until the next update enjoy.


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