How'd it go?

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Chapter 9: How'd it go?

I woke up to the sound of the shower water turning on. Niall must be getting ready for his job interview. Oh yea, Niall scored an interview to work at a record company. I said that I just wanted to be a house-wife for the time being. I sit up and rub my eyes. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and went downstairs. About 30 minutes later Niall came down.

"Hey babe," Niall says walking into the kitchen.

"Hey love," I turn around. "You hungry?"

"No, too nervous to eat," he looks down.

"Hey," I lift his head up to meet my eyes. "You're going to get that job! I know you are."

"Thanks love," he kisses my cheek and I can feel my cheeks flood with the color red. "I better get going if I want to be there on time."

"Go get 'em tiger," I pat his back and he just laughs.

"I love you!" He shouts before stepping out the front door.

"Love you too!" I shout back. I hear the door shut and I grab my phone to text the guys. I haven't seen them in awhile, so while Niall is gone might as well catch up. Zayn and Harry said they would stop by at 2. It's 11 am, so this gives me time to start some chores.


I just put the clothes into the drier right as the doorbell rang. I walk up the stairs and open the door. There stood Zayn and Harry just standing there.

"Hey guys," I give them a hug and allow them inside.

"Hey, you still live with Niall's parents? It's been almost a month since you two got married." Harry says nonchalantly.

"His parents moved out. The house is now mine and Niall's." I reply.

"Oh well that makes sense." Harry says as he sits on the couch.

"So where's Niall?" Zayn asks.

"He's at a job interview." I say kind of flatly.

"Then what have you been doing all day before we got here?" Zayn says.

"You know blaring my music, doing chores, same old." I laugh. He nods.

After about 20 minutes we were all laughing remembering times.

"Oh my god!!" Zayn laughs while clutching his stomach.

"I know! I can't believe we did that when we were younger..." I laugh. When we were little Louis and Harry would go up to random people and moon them. Oh man..

"Well we should get going," Harry says. "I have to meet up with my parents."

"And I have to see my grandma." Zayn says.

"Okay," I say a little upset that they have to leave.

"Text me if Niall gets the job," Harry says before they both walk out the door.

After they left I walk down the the laundry room and grab the clothes out of the drier.


Just as I finish folding the last shirt the front door opens.

"Niall?" I say as I set the last shirt in the basket.

"Yea, I'm back." He says as he walks into the living room.

"How'd it go?" I stand up and walks toward him. His face looked upset and he looked down at the ground. "Oh Niall.." I say while rubbing his shoulder.

"I got the job," he whispers.

"What?" I whisper yell.

"I got the job!!" He shouts with a huge smile on his face.

"Oh my god Niall!!!" I smile. He picks me up and spins me around. "When do you start?"

"Next week," he says out of breath. I hug him once more and then grab the laundry basket. I head up the stairs to put the clothes away.

"You know you look amazing today," Niall says as he enters the room.

"You look quite amazing yourself in that suit jacket." I giggle. He leans down and kisses me softly. I add more pressure to the kiss, but then quickly pull away to tease him. "Annabelle!" He sighs in frustration.

"Hey," I giggle. "What I do." I blush as I walk past him.

"Annabelle Taylor Horan!" He laughs. "Get back here and love me." He laughs once more. I stop in my tracks and run into his arms. Kissing him with so much passion and love.


Hope you enjoyed it! 😘

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